Civilization VII – Features Thread


Unofficial Civilization Cartographer
Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2004
Civilization VII – Features Thread

^Link to Features Thread^


This thread is only for adding new information or correcting any mistakes.

It really helps if you can add links to any new information/screen shots you find

Also Please Note: I will only be adding things if it has been seen in game-play or mentioned from a reliable source (developers or good media outlet).


05/10/2024 (1) - Age of Exploration Civilizations; Leaders; Independent Powers
02/10/2024 (1) - Civilizations - Antiquity Age Civilizations; Age of Exploration Civilizations; Cities - Wonders
27/09/2024 (1) - Civilizations - Antiquity Age Civilizations; Age of Exploration Civilizations; Leaders; Independent Powers; The Map - Natural Wonders; Geographic Features
26/09/2024 (1) - Civilizations - Antiquity Age Civilizations, Age of Exploration Civilizations
25/09/2024 (1) - Civilizations - Antiquity Age Civilizations, Cities
20/09/2024 (2) - Cities, The Map, Game Mechanics, Other
20/09/2024 (1) - Civilizations, The Map,
13/09/2024 (3) - Cities, The Map, Game Mechanics,
13/09/2024 (2) - Cities, The Map,
13/09/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities, The Map,
01/09/2024 (1) - Civilizations
31/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities
28/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations
25/08/2024 (2) - Civilizations, Cities, Game Mechanics
25/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities, Other
24/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities, Game Mechanics, Other
23/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities, The Map, Game Mechanics, Other
22/08/2024 (2) - Civilizations, Cities, The Map, Game Mechanics, Other
22/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities, Game Mechanics
21/08/2024 (2) - Introduction, Civilizations, Cities, The Map, Game Mechanics, Other
21/08/2024 (1) - Civilizations, Cities, The Map, Game Mechanics
08/06/2024 (1) - Other
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New Info coming in August

Other - all the technical details we have been able to find.
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Units spotted:
Mechanized infantry
Sherman tank
T-34 tank
Update -

Introduction - Release Date
Civilizations - Age of Antiquity [Aksum, Egypt, Maya, Maurya, Rome]; Age of Exploration [Mongolia, Shawnee, Songhai]; Modern Age [Buganda]; Unknown Age [America, China, France] & Independent Powers [Magyar, Mixtec, Slav, Soninke]
Cities - Buildings, Improvements, Wonders, Technologies, Units
The Map - Terrain, Elevation, Natural Wonders, Resources, Geographical Features
Game Mechanics - Diplomacy; Religion; Great Works; Golden Age; Influence
Other - Narrator, Pre-Order, Editions,
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I need to add a section on Leaders and how they work, but if I have missed anything else please let me know.
Imagine my surprise to hear Civ 7 mentioned on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning…

The BBC have an accompanying article here:

Seems to suggest the Normans and Britain as available civs for age 2 and 3 respectively. And further confirmation of the Mayans.
Imagine my surprise to hear Civ 7 mentioned on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning…

The BBC have an accompanying article here:

Seems to suggest the Normans and Britain as available civs for age 2 and 3 respectively. And further confirmation of the Mayans.

This says Normans as well.

This says Normans as well.
But it doesn't quote anyone, it only gives an example with reference to London
Update -

Civilizations - Age of Antiquity [Rome]; Age of Exploration [Normans, Mongolia, Songhai]; Modern Age [Buganda, England]; Leaders; Leader Attributes; City States
Cities - Wonders; Units
Game Mechanics - Diplomacy;
With so much chaos:

One of the Crisis referes to an "infected settlement", which implies some sort of Plague or Sickness mechanic (this includes the entire Crisis system which seems to have been utterly overlooked in discussions)
Update -

Cities - Quarters, Buildings, Improvements, Technologies, Civics,
The Map - Terrain, Vegetation, Natural Wonders, Resources, Geographical Features
Game Mechanics - Diplomacy, Government
Sepé Tiaraju was just a wonder quote (Iguazu Falls).

Wonders mentioned on Firaxis' website that are missing:

Serpent Mound

Wonders mentioned in this video that are missing:

Emile Bell
Ha'amonga 'a Maui
Pyramids of the Sun

The one that looks like St. Paul's Cathedral is probably El Escorial instead.

Missing from your list based on what's been seen in videos (and to be taken with a grain of salt):

Great Library
Ishtar Gate
Temple of Artemis
The Red Fort
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