- Joined
- Jun 19, 2007
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Come on, is it really necessary to stoop to that kind of troll comment?
I don't know if anybody defined it yet but it looks every negative / realistic comment is being accused of being a trolling. You guys must be really brain washed by the todays media and PR techniques. These guys are being paid by profit greedy companies to make you think that everything is lovely etc.
That's why you hear about $250k charity donation and so called "environemental friendly paper manual". I'd rather having a great game that sells in 10 milions so fraxis would have to pay 10x tax instead of average game sold in 1 milion and have $250k donated to whoever. These days nobody needs paper manual and these who want it please ask 2k so they will print pdf for you in china and ship it to you in colorful box + charge $19.99. Then you'll feel very environemental friendly.
It would be really more environmental friendly to give people an incentive by dropping a price of downloaded version of the game compare to the boxed one so more people would opt for it and less plastic and paper would be wasted.
Also there is no info if there will be a proper frequently updated knowledge database / wiki about CIV V service provided by developer - e.g. Civilizopedia online - which would be much more usable than some pdf which gets outdated with first patch / mod.
This is just pile of marketing / PR bulshait what we hear from 2k instead of being able to check the game out. Also providing more information about MP mode would be much more appreciated than info about pape manual. But hey - it works for most of you guys who preordered the game. So stay excited and call me a troll again . You'll feel better then. But please don't complain later if some problems occures cos you will be trolls then. Also I'm happy to raze your cities in multiplayer if it will be ever released.