Your ball belongs to the community, comrade...
on topic: I'm totally cool with the pdf manual. Makes sense for them, for us and is environmentally sound.
Stone Soup much?
(The following is not at all related to the above quote.)
Really, I think its interesting that some members of this community are so cynical that they cannot accept a good deed for what it is: a good deed. It is not as if the developers would refuse to give the money away if they did not sell 'x' quantity of their product: they are going to give the money away regardless of sales figures, and so we are answering the question of 'where?', nothing more, nothing less. Besides, many of the fans on this forum were planning to purchase the game long before this announcement. On another note, I personally disagree romanticized notions of Communism, because while on the one hand people are generally greedy, on the other hand, they are generally ambitious. While some dream of equality, I believe that equality is not a good thing, because there are some who wish to make more for themselves and improve not only themselves but also humanity as a whole. If all were equal, then there would not be great humanitarians, there would not be success stories, and society as a whole would not progress. I would rather have some be at the bottom and others at the top than everybody on an equal playing field. The only way I could honestly see people living in complete harmony and peace is in a fiction reminiscent of either the 'Lotus-Eaters' section of the Odyssey or the distopic world of the Eloi in HG Welles' The Time Machine. Neither of those worlds are ones in which I would want to live...