CivRev Music Question


Dec 23, 2008
Can anyone name the tune that is played when entering the 'Halls of Glory'? It sounds very familiar to me but I can't place it.
I was able to contact the Composer for CivRev and he indicates that the music in the Halls of Glory is not his own. He said that additional music was provided by others. Still looking for an answer to this one---:)
He doesn't know the answer to your question? Perhaps you could ask him to help find out for you... probaby shouldn't take him too much effort... :)
"Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. My band announced that we were playing that as our marching band theme the SAME DAY I heard that song on Civrev for the first time. I was thoroughly creeped out.
"Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. My band announced that we were playing that as our marching band theme the SAME DAY I heard that song on Civrev for the first time. I was thoroughly creeped out.

Deja Vu (a glitch in the matrix) or just coincidence?...
Is there any soundtrack available for CivRev? Or the possibility to rip the music from the disk?

Me and my friend want a soundtrack just to hear the tribal village song, the goodie huts, you know. Ah ya ya ya yee ho bee do doo...
Me and my friend want a soundtrack just to hear the tribal village song, the goodie huts, you know. Ah ya ya ya yee ho bee do doo...

It's called Baba Yetu, and it's the song which plays in the main menu of Civilization IV. You can search and listen to it on YouTube.

Fun fact: Baba Yetu also plays during the opening credits of the Lion King II. :D
It's called Baba Yetu, and it's the song which plays in the main menu of Civilization IV. You can search and listen to it on YouTube.

Fun fact: Baba Yetu also plays during the opening credits of the Lion King II. :D

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