Lately this has begun to annoy me. Have you ever noticed that when you want to trade luxuries with out civs instead of it being a direct trade 1 luxury for another.You have to give them a whole
lot just for their one luxury.
Take this for example I wanted to trade to get ivory from the french instead of just trading wine for it which is fair in order for them to agree I had to give them 4 of my luxuries for 1 of theirs I think thats pretty stupid.
Worse was with babyloians to get 1 of their luxuries they wanted all of my extra luxuries and 100 gold per turn!
My point is these demands are outrageous and only lead to war if they would just make fair trades 1 luxury for another no need for war but when they EXTORT ME with the 1 or 2 luxuries they have
they are just asking for it. I`ve been forced to conquer a couple of other civs just for luxuries but if they would have been reasonable that would never have had to happen.
Does this bother anyone else? yet another major problem I find with this game.
lot just for their one luxury.
Take this for example I wanted to trade to get ivory from the french instead of just trading wine for it which is fair in order for them to agree I had to give them 4 of my luxuries for 1 of theirs I think thats pretty stupid.
Worse was with babyloians to get 1 of their luxuries they wanted all of my extra luxuries and 100 gold per turn!
My point is these demands are outrageous and only lead to war if they would just make fair trades 1 luxury for another no need for war but when they EXTORT ME with the 1 or 2 luxuries they have
they are just asking for it. I`ve been forced to conquer a couple of other civs just for luxuries but if they would have been reasonable that would never have had to happen.
Does this bother anyone else? yet another major problem I find with this game.