Civs the AI plays the best

The Balseraphs are generally considerred strong in the hands of the AI.

I recently had a game where the Luichuip ended up with a score two and a half times bigger then mine, with three vassals, which then decided to destroy me. The first time I have ever been legitimately beaten by the AI. I was impressed to say the least.
Hippus tend to do quite well when played by the AI.
The Hippus, Bannor and Dovielo only if they are sucessful in an early war. To be fair, the Hippus and Dovielo generally are, but the Bannor less so.
Sheaim are pretty good at using their pyre zombies.

The AI for Hippus is perfect. I hate them more and more every time i meet them in a game. Haven't had the chance to meet them in late game though, so i don't really know about that.

Dear god, Tasunke is a douche.
seconding some of the thoughts above: hippus, sheiam do well. calabim too.

clan and doviello have been dangerous early but not built a strong empire.

The ljos have been successful at getting a fellowship religious block early but also not capitalizing on it.

kuriotates have been doing the worst.
Hmmm, interesting responses which I have to agree with. I normally get the most problems from AI Sheaim, Balseraph (them and their name Loki & his puppets) and Calibim - all Evil.

But, I'm wondering how this coincides with the civs the HUMAN player does well with. I suppose there are some differences there. Does that tell you anything about the game AI?
Id say svartalfar is a pretty well played, in early game anyway. They have been wiping the floor with me in my recent calabim games, she just wont leave me alone!
kuriotates die for me every game they've been in first and early. If they are in the game, you can expect to see them dead shortly.
Belseraphs, hippus (under Tasunke) are the two biggest AI players i ever come across. ive once seen a massive calabim empire, then crossed the sea and the belseraphs had an entire continent to themselves. very worrying thing really.
Balseraphs tend to do really good as they always do some crazy expansion at the beggining and have about 7 cities to the average of 3. Hippus because Tasunke always seem to conquer everyone with massive stacks of horsemen (and pillage me to death).
The Calabim I think are forced to beeline feudalism, which is actually a good tech path so they have a decent economy and take off later in the game. This does leave them very open to early rushes though, so they have a higher chance of getting conquered than most in the early game. Bannor I think are forced to beeline Bronze Working, so they usually have a horrible economy.
Worst thing that ever happened to me in a game was a powerful Calabim and a powerful Hippus declared on me about the same time. They both controled like 1/4 of the world each... I was the Illians in that game, lets just say that Auric never even got close to ascending.
and I almost forgot, the elves tend to do really well with their tree/cottage/mine economy. I have crazy svartalfar killing civs on the other side of the word with giant stacks of hunters in my current game.
Doviello under Mahala, if they get a good start. Wipe the floor with nearby civs and are good enough at teching to get strong troops really fast.

Sheaim expand like crazy, and place a focus on warfare.

Elohim, but ONlY under Ethne and only if she isn't disturbed too much. Einion is building way too few military.

Hippus are always good. Regardless of leader, they're pretty aggressive and are having a strong economy as well.

Calabim are also quite good. Flauros can set up a crazy economy.

Elves. Ljos tend to get crazy scores, Svalt are warring and good in econ. Winning combination.
In my present game, the calabim are the dominant AI. I'm Kurio, and due to my limited growth, they actually overtook me for a brief period. They also have Svarts, and Sheiam as vassals.

They dropped a hell of a lot when I burned a nice slice of their empire with Eurabatres though :D
Hippus, Baels, Calabim, Capria if she gets a good start, Arendyl.
I had a tough time beating Perpentach with Hyborem recently. But that's probably because I had established him rather well before switching. Nox Noctis + taskmasters = scary.
I have run a few AI only games with the Ljos. vs Svart. and a good 3 out of every 4 games the Svarts would crush the Ljos. I would use a balance map with World Builder to help balance their resources out.

The Bannor are usually crushed by the Clan this way as well.

The Best AI only magic civ game is usually Keelyn.
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