CoL Amendment


RF Bleachers
Jan 19, 2005
RF Bleachers
Section 1 The Federal Government
B) Executive Branch
IV Vacancies
IVB Vacancies in the Triumvirate
1 Should a vacancy occur in the Triumvirate the President shall nominate a replacement to take over the duties. If the President’s office is vacant, the Secretary of State shall nominate a replacement.
2 The Judiciary shall approve or disapprove a nominee
a If approved, the nominee shall take immediate control of the vacant office.
b If disapproved, a different nominee must be chosen.
c A nominee may decline the nomination. A new nomination must then be made.
3 The nominee may be anyone that isn’t a part of the Triumvirate or Judiciary. If they hold another office, they must vacate their previous office if approved.

Due to the recent problems we've had in the Triumvirate, I think the CoL does a bad job of filling vacancies. How does this re-write seem to everyone?
It's a great idea to get this started, thanks! For reference (and to follow the proper forms) here is the existing article, so that people have the right frame of reference for what you're suggesting.

IVB. Should a vacancy occur in the Triumvirate the President shall take over the duties of the vacant office. Should the Presidency be the vacant office the Secretary of State shall take over the duties of the President. Should both the offices of President and Secretary of State be vacant the Secretary of War shall take over the duties of both offices. Should the entire Triumvirate be vacant the most senior of the Cabinet members shall take over the duties of Triumvirate until a special election can be held.
Now to throw out some ideas for changes in how we can implement GeorgeOP's suggestion.
  • In the Civ3 DG, we finally settled on having the Judiciary choose the new President. The basis is that the President nominally has a lot of power, and it is better to distribute the choice of whom to give that power to among 3 people than it is to have 1 person choose.
  • Instead of having the Judiciary approve or veto a Triumvirate appointment, allow the citizens to post a non-approval poll within 48 hours of the appointment.
I think it is pretty godd except for c3. I think that if they should choose, a Tri or Judiciary member should be able to make the jump. Then the person who jumped position should be filled. I also like the citizien no-approval vote!
The reason I didn't have the jump was that it would take several days to fill the position, between nomination and approval. If someone made the jump from SoS or SoW, it would take more days to fill their position. And since the Judiciary approves the nominee, I didn't think one of them should be in the running.

I based this law off of the US law, which allows the President to nominate a Vice President, but congress must ok his choice. If we had the CA vote, it would just be like a normal election, hence have the Judiciary ok his choice. (Nixon's VP resigned, and Ford was nominated and approved as his new VP. When Nixon resigned, Ford became President, although he had never even run in a national race before.)

If someone from the Cabinet moves up, the deputy takes over and simply names the new deputy. I wanted to be fair in this process, but I also wanted it to go as swiftly as possible so the game can keep going.
Section 1 The Federal Government
B) Executive Branch
IV Vacancies
IVB Vacancies in the Triumvirate
1 Should a vacancy occur in the Triumvirate the Judiciary shall choose a Nominee.
2 Should a vacancy occur in another elected office, the President shall choose a Nominee.
3. If the Nominee accepts in a post, the Nominee shall take office immediately. If they had a previous office, they will resign that office and it will be declared Vacant.
4. Any citizen may start a Non-Approval poll within 48 hours of the Nominee accepting the position. The poll must state that it is a Non-Approval poll and that a "Yes" vote would remove the Nominee from office. There must be at least three choices; "Yes", "No", and "Abstain". If over 50% of the total vote is for "Yes", the Nominee vacates the office and a different Nominee must be selected.

It's a little more wordy than I originally wanted, but I liked Dave's suggestions and wanted to make sure it was clear in the process.
Looks really good - my only comment would be to say that there are three options instead of at least three. What would a fourth be - maybe? :lol:

Well done!

Next up is to post the proposal as a proposed poll in this thread - link to template

24 hours after that, request the Judiciary to review it and then kick back and relax.

-- Ravensfire
I realized that the entire structure had to be slightly tweaked so that not only the numbers line up, but that the entire Sub-Section had clarity and seemed to be one piece of law. I did not try to do anything except make things more clear.

Please be aware that this is a mock poll attempting to conform to the rules set forth be the Judiciary to create a public and binding poll on the following:

Thread Title: Code of Laws Amendment - Section 1 B IV

This is a Citizen's Initiative poll for the amendment of the Code of Laws, Section 1 B IV. The purpose of this amendment is to change how Vacancies in our government are filled.

This is a public poll, and will run for 4 days. For this amendment to pass, a 6/10 majority of voters must vote 'Yes'.

URL=""]Disscusion Thread[/URL

Do you wish to adopt this amendments?

Code of Laws:
IV. Vacancies
IVA. A Vacancy occurs when an office is empty due to one of the following reasons: no one ran for the office, the office holder resigns, the office holder is removed from office by impeachment, the office holder is removed from office as punishment for a crime, or if the office holder is removed from office by the Judiciary if said office holder is absent for more than 7 days without the office holder posting notification.
IVB. Should a vacancy occur in the Triumvirate the President shall take over the duties of the vacant office. Should the Presidency be the vacant office the Secretary of State shall take over the duties of the President. Should both the offices of President and Secretary of State be vacant the Secretary of War shall take over the duties of both offices. Should the entire Triumvirate be vacant the most senior of the Cabinet members shall take over the duties of Triumvirate until a special election can be held.
IVC. Should any vacancy occur in the Cabinet the Deputy shall take over the duties of that office. Should there not be a deputy the President shall appoint an office holder.
IVD. Should a vacancy occur in a Gubernatorial office it will be fill in a manner proscribed in Section 2, Sub-section I, Clause IB.
IVE. Should a vacancy occur in the Judiciary the President shall appoint the Judge.
IVF. Any Citizen may post a nonconforming poll within 48 hours of the official announcement of an appointment.

Preposed Amendment:
IV. Vacancies
IVA. A Vacancy occurs when an office is empty due to one of the following reasons: no one ran for the office, the office holder resigns, the office holder is removed from office by impeachment, the office holder is removed from office as punishment for a crime, or if the office holder is removed from office by the Judiciary if said office holder is absent for more than 7 days without the office holder posting notification.
IVB. Should a vacancy occur in the Triumvirate, the Judiciary shall choose a Nominee.
IVC. Should a vacancy occur in the Judiciary, the President shall choose a Nominee.
IVD. Should any vacancy occur in the Cabinet the Deputy shall become an Nominee. Should there not be a deputy the President shall appoint a Nominee.
IVE. If the Nominee accepts in a post, the Nominee shall become Acting officer. If they hold another office, the post also acts as a pending resignation to that other office.
IVF. Should a vacancy occur in a Gubernatorial office it will be fill in a manner proscribed in Section 2, Sub-section I, Clause IB.
IVG. Any citizen may start a Non-Approval poll within 48 hours of the Nominee accepting a position. The poll must state that it is a Non-Approval poll and that a "Yes" vote would remove the Nominee from office. There must be three choices; "Yes", "No", and "Abstain". If over 50% of the total vote is for "Yes", the Nominee vacates the office and a different Nominee must be selected.
IVG. After 48 hours of accepting the postion and there is no Non-Approval code, or after an unsuccessful Non-Approval poll, any pending resignations become permenant and the new office become official.

Poll Question: Do you wish to amend Section 1 B IV of the Code of Laws as follows?


Poll settings:
Duration - 4 days
Public Poll - Checked
Sorry, I noticed something that isn't quite right. If someone applies for a vacant job they shouldn't have to resign their old job immediately, it should be a pending resignation. The problem is, if there is a successful non-approval poll, then suddenly where we had one vacancy and a content official, we now have two vacancies! The person jumping to a new office should be "acting" in the new capacity until the "right of refusal" period has elapsed.
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