When in doubt, reboot.
It is possible to finish researching CoL in 2 turns instead of the 3 it will take at this research rate. I have asked for govenorship of BW. If this is granted by the govenor's council, I will add a science specalist. This will net us 4 or 5 beakers. If we can add just a few more beakers over 2 turns we will have CoL finished a turn ahead of shcedule. This will allow us to more quickly build courthouses and pull out of this deficit, as well as beginning research on something else. What do you think?
It is possible to finish researching CoL in 2 turns instead of the 3 it will take at this research rate. I have asked for govenorship of BW. If this is granted by the govenor's council, I will add a science specalist. This will net us 4 or 5 beakers. If we can add just a few more beakers over 2 turns we will have CoL finished a turn ahead of shcedule. This will allow us to more quickly build courthouses and pull out of this deficit, as well as beginning research on something else. What do you think?