Colonization Acronym Buster.


Jan 30, 2007
The Midlands UK.
I believe that we should have a source of reference for some of the Col specific acronyms as I know from personal experience that failing to understand some of them can be an obstacle for newcomers to the game. As we are all newcomers to this version although many are Civ vets, can I begin with the following small list of acronyms which I have encountered just this morning from reading this forum. I hope that members will add to the list in due course;

DOI = Declaration of Independence.
REF = Royal Expeditionary Force.
FF = Founding Father.
WOI = War of Independence.
IMO = In my opinion.
IMHO = In my humble opinion.
OSC = One Settlement challenge.
BTW = By the way.
WTFOMGHOLYhorsehockey = I believe that you will be able to work this one out!:mischief:
RSR = Rebel sentiment rating.
LBP = Liberty Bell production.
SOL = Ship of the Line.
MOW = Man of War.
OCC = One City challenge. (X over from Civ)
DOW = Declaration of War.
UI = User Interface.
OP = Opening Poster. (ie the person that started the thread)
AOD2 = Age of Discovery 2 (A mod of Col)
I believe that we should have a source of reference for some of the Col specific acronyms as I know from personal experience that failing to understand some of them can be an obstacle for newcomers to the game.
So true! Good idea. :)
I must admit, I use OCC, from CivIV, instead of OSC. Old habits die hard, or sumthin'
IMO, IMHO and BTW are general internet acronyms, not col related :P
IMO, IMHO and BTW are general internet acronyms, not col related :P

Yes, you are quite correct, I did realize this but although there are some specific Col' acronyms developing which I wanted to be included in this section, I realize also that complete newbies may need some help with the more common ones. There is a reference to Civ acronyms already but as this is a stand alone game many new players (hopefully) would not have encountered them. Also many players may not be fully conversant with some internet acronyms, I know that as an 'oldie' I would have appreciated some assistance in the early days.....and still do to some extent. :confused:
SoL = Ship of the Line
MoW = Man of War

Not Col specific, but:

OP = Original Poster (ie the person that started the thread)
Thanks for starting this thread, marciv. This is very useful to newcomers.

I have made it sticky.
Thanks for starting this thread, marciv. This is very useful to newcomers.

I have made it sticky.

Thanks, I appreciate it and will continue to update when applicable.
SoL can also mean : Sons of Liberty = Rebels in Col1

Noted; should Sons of Liberty become used on a regular basis then I will adapt and change SOL (Ship of the Line) to SOTL however, I have not seen much reference to sons of liberty as yet, keep me informed.
I must admit, I use OCC, from CivIV, instead of OSC. Old habits die hard, or sumthin'

You're earlier point now taken as I have seen it used again. It has now been added to the list.
DOW = Deal Only With?
I have never seen that before, it usually means Declaration Of War in most other strategy games, weird.
DOW = Deal Only With?
I have never seen that before, it usually means Declaration Of War in most other strategy games, weird.

OOPS! You may be correct, the "deal only with" was my interpretation after some thought. I have only seen it used once on this forum and now that you mention it it makes sense. However in the context that I saw it it was "I will DoW the natives" The last thing that I want to do is cause confusion. In the future should I be uncertain I will ask for a definition within the forum. Thanks.
In that sense, it can be used as a verb, and often is, i.e. "I will DOW the natives" means "I will declare war against the natives".
In that sense, it can be used as a verb, and often is, i.e. "I will DOW the natives" means "I will declare war against the natives".

I am convinced and will ammend to Declaration of War. Thanks.
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