[Col] Colonization: Artillery Dying


Nov 29, 2001
I haven't played Colonization in decades and so forget much of the rules.

Basically, when I attack with artillery and lose my unit is dying rather than losing power. The enemy is dropping from 7 - 5 (or 5-3; not up in front of me right now).

Any ideas?

And why isn't there a forum for Colonization? Just not enough interest?

I think it's a bug, if not some undocumentend feature. It's pretty common. Sometimes also when you or comp. player attacks with dragoons, the unit dissapeared completely instead of transform to soldiers. It's pretty handy when it happens with comp. player btw. I have no idea about what triggered it. Maybe game logic somehow switches to more 'civ-like' style? Usually this bug continues with other units during this turn.

Long time ago, Colonization had its own forum. Now it's all together with Pirates! and other cool Sid things.
I've also observed this behaviour when playing with the patched version and consider it a bug. I'm pretty sure the degradation rules are always supposed to be in play, so I guess this is just another instance of shoddy programming leading to memory corruption or something. I think so far I've only ever observed it with dragoons dying completely and only in some games (and only after a while of playing them?).
Edit: Nope, I've also observed it with artillery. Very frustrating when you are the attacker!

Sid writes that Colonization was more of a Brian thing btw. :p - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085845CX9 pretty good book
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This savegame (loaded from autosave) would sometimes do that (I have the RNG-fixed EXE). Sometimes I would win. Sometimes the dutch soldier would die. It seemed to be random. Dutch soldier getting demoted only seems to happen without the RNG-fixed EXE, but dutch soldier dying happens there as well (as well as losing the battle).


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All randomness in games is faked by code that generates a value based on some algorithm that to the user appears sufficiently random. Either due to a coding oversight or poor design choices, colonizations fake randomness is often very very obviously not actually random. Like losing a battle again and again when the odds are supposed to be that you win maybe half the time.

The rng fixed exe is an attempt to make the rng better at actually being random by hex editing a few instructions in the exe.

See here https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Bugs_(Col)
It's a subtle one, as you can't 'fix' the randomness because it isn't random. Nor is it necessarily a problem to get a long series of the same result happening, it's just less likely but possible. The problem is that it can get into a state where it always returns the same outcome no matter what you do.
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