Colonization Download category created

We will take care of that soon. :) May need to recruit a helper to help post Colonization file news...
Hey Garret, the thread is there for announcements now.

Look below :)
Maybe you should put some links to the main Civ4 Creation & Customization in a sticky thread ?

Graphics (Where LH, Buildings, Etc.) get posted (And Requested):
Unit Graphics:
Maybe something else i did not think of as well...

Most of the stuff is portable and applies to both games, so i think there is no point in making new dedicated sections for Col (I.e. not for Art).
But some questions threads indicate that new users are just unaware of the ressources and possibilities already present, so a pointer might help.

[edit] Seeing it's "Download section created" anouncement, no idea why i choosen to post it here...
Looked like there are lot's of Moderators / Moderator-talk here :p
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