Color of the civilization played


Sep 21, 2001
Paris, France
I'm often playing civIII as the babylionans because of their civ specific (Religious and scientific).
All the games I've played as the babylionans, my units, my cities were red.

I started a new game as the babylionans and my color is blue!!!!???

How can you change the color of your civ ? Well, without editing something.

Thanks for the help!

Well you probably played the Babylonians on a smaller map with less civs.All civilizations have an alternative colour,in fact I´ve never seen red Babs,always blue in my games.As for chagning it, well you do have to use the editor,it´s under Civilizations,at the bottom of the screen,colours.
Some civ's share colors. For instance, the Persians and Greeks are both light green, Iriquois and Indians are purple, Babylonians and Romans are red.

If BOTH of these civs show up on a map -- like for people who choose civs to play against or play against all 16 -- then one of the shared color civs has to use an alternate color.
Indeed Dirk Aurel, I used to play Babylonians on standard map.
And I just start a new game on a huge map!

Thanks for the help.

The best thing is to exactly exchange the colors between 2 civs you know. Otherwise crashes may happen.
It's ok to change colours as long as you use 1 of the 17 colours assigned to the civs at present (including barbarians). Therefore it is possible to assign one colour to one civ only! :)

This translates to the first 17 colours in the colour selection tab, i think black is the last one. Any colours past black will cause civ3 to crash should the civ that uses that colour be selected in the game.

Oh and you do this in the editor of course ;)
This should definitely be one of the fixes in the new 17f patch.
Originally posted by Satis5d
This should definitely be one of the fixes in the new 17f patch.

I did fix the crash but I don't think I fixed it in time to make it into this patch. However, there is a way for you to avoid the crash. If you look in the Art\Units\Palettes folder, you should see a bunch of files named otp00.pcx-otp15.pcx. If you copy and rename these files so that you have otp00.pcx-otp31.pcx, the game will no longer crash when you change a civ's color.

In case you're wondering, these files are the Old Team Palettes and are no longer used by the game. When the game is loading the New Team Palettes it still loads the old ones as well (for no apparent reason :rolleyes: ). It gets an error when it doesn't find otp16.pcx and stops loading team palettes. That is why it crashes if you select any color above 15.
Originally posted by Mike B. FIRAXIS
In case you're wondering, these files are the Old Team Palettes and are no longer used by the game. When the game is loading the New Team Palettes it still loads the old ones as well (for no apparent reason :rolleyes: ). It gets an error when it doesn't find otp16.pcx and stops loading team palettes. That is why it crashes if you select any color above 15.
That explains why I couldn't figure out what the files were used for, to be able to make a workaound myself. :rolleyes:
Mike B. Firaxis:

:goodjob: Thanx for popping in here and telling us how to fix that! :goodjob:

Wounld you mind putting that into a seperate thread of it`s own so everyone will see it????? Or I`ll do it for you to save your time; just mail me "do it!" or "let it be!"

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