Combat Windows...

Divi Filus

Oct 27, 2005
Okay, we all strive to play at a difficulty were the AI can "keep up"
with us... Therefore (and this has been true since Civ I, of which I am an original purchaser), you have to look for those "windows" where the attackers have the advantage over the defenders.

Here's a couple good ones that come to mind
1. IRON WORKING - Always good for an early rush if enemies culture values are low, once cities hit 50% culture, swordsman alone are dead.
2. CONSTRUCTION - if you have ivory, pumping out some catapults and war elephants (usually 6 cats/4 elephants per "army") does nicely
3. STEEL - a beeline for steel is always possible after rifling as most players will not forgo Democracy (allowing you Steel first). By running nationalism and getting cannons (accompanied by rifleman), a war here can take out an opponent.

There are others, so additions are welcome....
rifling/cavalry rush. You can never go wrong with that one. Just use liberalism to take either MT or rifling and if possible, get the GM from economics to upgrade obsolete troops into high powered veteran troops.

A nationalism draft after gunpowder can also work if you have a musket UU (Ethiopia, Ottoman, French).

These two are my favorite windows. And I am willing to do both with trebs (even though you need a ridiculous number to take down castles).
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