Actually, I agree, we should keep the warrior exploring. Our second city will likely be producing 1spt, and would finish a warrior in 10 turns. If we send him to Aerie for MP, we can keep the other one out exploring. The sooner we meet another civ (I'm not mistaken in saying that it's 2 per continent, the more of an advantage we have over the other continent.
Actually, I agree, we should keep the warrior exploring. Our second city will likely be producing 1spt, and would finish a warrior in 10 turns. If we send him to Aerie for MP, we can keep the other one out exploring. The sooner we meet another civ (I'm not mistaken in saying that it's 2 per continent, the more of an advantage we have over the other continent.
After reading the intelligence thread, I'm started to get concerned about an enemy warrior showing up and totally ruining our plans.
We know that another team produced a warrior before our turn 6. So, it could have traveled 10 tiles by now. It will take another 4 turns to settle the second city. 10 to produce the warrior. Then a few more turns to get the warrior to the capital.
Are we leaving ourselves too vulnerable for too long?
I agree that we shouldn't e so touchy-feely with the competition. They are out to win. Period.There could be a slight avantage to tlking them into a continent vs continent world battle, but they'll still want to see our charred bones as soon as we've fulfilled their needs.
I think the move that Calis has suggested will aid us in scouting the Southern approach of our neighbors. Keeping him in the South will definitely help with EvilConqueror's concern.
I would like to see the warrior move due west so we can scout out the gold hill.
I think those concerns are unfounded. Look at the map size. We aren't just generating a totally random map, so it will be a decent distance to the next civ, especially judging by the minimap. I would say our neighbor is at the very least 35 tiles away.
However, this brings up an interesting possibility. Kuche may be Zululand disguised as Germany or a likewise civ, and perhaps they have built an Impi? Does Military Service allow for this and a Camelot warrior?
However, this brings up an interesting possibility. Kuche may be Zululand disguised as Germany or a likewise civ, and perhaps they have built an Impi? Does Military Service allow for this and a Camelot warrior?