Commander in Chief

Well if we were to ajust for that, were talking 9 tiles to the Equator. Double that is 18.
Looks possible in terms of shields. I'm not sure if Kuche could have researched Bronze Working fast enough though.
Using the figures from Chamnix's analysis, it appears Kuche may have already collected 80 Beakers. Calis has BW listed as 75 Beakers. That would have put a pre-build completion on this (16) turn, IF they were Zulu.
Through the desert! The sooner we meet someone, the better. We can build plenty of MP in the time it takes for him to get back.
I concur with keeping him in the field, but I thought we were going to send him Eastward. :dunno:

:) East was really our onle option off that hill. But i think we should continue East for another turn onto the next hill to look across the water. Then go South onto the Oasis.
I was referring to turn 30, but obviously I didn't post it. :blush:

Will do so now and then you can answer my question about the warrior again...

EDIT: Posted now. Please check again. Of course I moved the unit onto the hill.
Where should our warrior move next? Towards the southern mountain or towards the eastern mountain.

Not sure, but I am tending towards the eastern mountain...:dunno:
I say south. Those dyes are probably a similar distance to our opponent as the nearby dyes are to us. Let's find out who we share this continent with.
Looks like there is marsh next to the eastern mountain. I doubt much is going on there.

As Charlemagne said, the other civ's capital will probably be ~6 tile south of those dyes. But in which direction?

I'm leaning toward the southern mountain. Should give us a better idea of which way to head.
Instictively, I would have sent him to the Eastern Mountain, as I believe (like AutomatedTeller) East is where we should go. But it's not a major issue for me. The Southern Mountain will reveal a lot of territory also.
Signing in for duty :wavey:

My vote is for south, let's find out what's around the dyes and the marshland to the east suggests there won't be much there.
Well, we found out what was around those dyes. Nothin'. Let's move Sweet Feather East and quit dickin' around in the South. The last turn (or the turn before?) we saw the coast to the West. This is future Curragh territory. Let's move East.
Based on the mini map, there could still be a lot of land to the south. I highly doubt the other civ is close to the eastern mountain because of the marsh and proximity to both dyes.

Maybe we should head for the southeast hill. :dunno:
I actually like the southeast hill. It is the most likely direction we have to go to find another civ, which is what we're looking for.
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