I think the Eagleprise should head south towards that spit of coast- there is also a large sea patch there, we might find a passage or decide to suicide.
In regards to the warrior, I want him to go SE again. I highly doubt there is any intelligent life in that fog between the warrior and our homeland- we would have heard from them by now. We can always send another warrior, or the curragh, that way. I'm beginning to suspect that we might actually be alone on this continent- if it ends not far to the south, there would be room on the map for another 3 continents of similar size.
In regards to the warrior, I want him to go SE again. I highly doubt there is any intelligent life in that fog between the warrior and our homeland- we would have heard from them by now. We can always send another warrior, or the curragh, that way. I'm beginning to suspect that we might actually be alone on this continent- if it ends not far to the south, there would be room on the map for another 3 continents of similar size.