Commonly Used Acronyms on CFC

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Turning Right ...
Dec 5, 2003
Victoria, BC, CANADA!!!
For all the Newbies out there who think "What the..." when faced with confusing acronyms adbundants on this site.

This thread is dedicated to all the often-confusing acronyms that everyone uses so frequently (GA, SGL, CFC, etc.).

Please post them, but only those that are frequently used.

GA = Golden Age
SGL = Scientific Great Leader
CFC = Civilization Fanatics Center (this site)
PTW = Play the World
C3C = Conquests
GL = Great Leader
TGL = The Great Library OR The Great Lighthouse
ToE = Theory of Evolution
MA = Military Alliance
MPP = Mutual Protection Pact
OCC = One City Challenge
5CC = 5 City Challenge
AW = Always War
SG = Succession Game
PBEM = Play By E-Mail
NES = Never Ending Story
GD = General Discussions
C&C = Creation & Customization
GOTM = Game Of The Month

BTW = By The Way
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
LOLROTFCGU = Laughing Out Loud Rolling On The Floor Can't Get Up
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions

Somebody else continue the list
Originally posted by Ville
GA = Golden Age
SGL = Scientific Great Leader
CFC = Civilization Fanatics Center (this site)
PTW = Play the World
C3C = Conquests
GL = Great Leader
TGL = The Great Library OR The Great Lighthouse
ToE = Theory of Evolution
MA = Military Alliance
MPP = Mutual Protection Pact
OCC = One City Challenge
5CC = 5 City Challenge
AW = Always War
SG = Succession Game
PBEM = Play By E-Mail
NES = Never Ending Story
GD = General Discussions
C&C = Creation & Customization

BTW = By The Way
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
LOLROTFCGU = Laughing Out Loud Rolling On The Floor Can't Get Up
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions

Somebody else continue the list

yes i know now what LOLROTFCGU mean!
I've been dying to know what IIRC stands for, so I'm glad you told me.

Incidentally, I am proud to say that I believe I am the creator of the term SOD, or Stack of Death, which refers to the computer's penchant for sending stacks of 50 units at you.
Ahhh, this clear up a lot. Thanks guys.
Originally posted by FenrysWulf
I've been dying to know what IIRC stands for, so I'm glad you told me.

Incidentally, I am proud to say that I believe I am the creator of the term SOD, or Stack of Death, which refers to the computer's penchant for sending stacks of 50 units at you.

IIRC = If I Recall Correctly

Ya see that one quite a lot. :)

IMO = In my opinion
or the smug version: IMHO = In my humble opinion
From the FAQ:
Originally posted by Turner_727

Civ3/PTW Acronyms

Civ3, Vanilla Civ, - Civilization 3
PTW - Civ3 Play The World expansion pack
ADM or ADM values - Attack, Defence, Movement values of units
AI - Artificial Intelligence, computer player
Bach - J. S. Bachs cathedral
CF - Culture Flipping - when a city changes allegience due to cultural superiority
Civ - Civilization
FP - Forbidden Palace
GL - Great Leader OR Great Library
GOTM - Game of the Month
gov - Government
HOF - Hall of Fame
HP - Hit Point
ICS - Infinite City Sprawl - building cities as close as possible
IW - Iron Works small Wonder
Milking - The tedious art of score maximization
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact
OCC - One City Challenge (Limiting yourself to one city)
#CC - # City Challenge (Limiting yourself to x cities)
pop - Population
(P)RNG - (Psuedo)Random Number Generator
ROP - Right of Passage
SHOF - Scenario Hall of Fame
TGL - The Great Library
TOE- Theory of Evolution Wonder
US - Universal Suffrage
UU - Unique Units, Civ-Specific Units
Whipping - Rush build using city population (under despotism and communism in Civ3)
WLTKD or WLT:king: D - 'We love the King'-Day celebration
WoW - Wonder of the World
WTH - What the F***
ZOC - Zone of Control

General Acronyms
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
BTW - By The Way
CP - Computer Player
E3 - Electronic Entertainment Expo
FWIW - For What It's Worth
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IM(H)O - In My (Humble) Opinion
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
NG - Newsgroup
OTOH - On The Other Hand
PBEM - Play By E-Mail (form of multiplayer gaming)
ROTFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
"-MAO - ...My Arse Off
RTFM - Read The [Flamin'] Manual!
TTFN - Ta ta For Now
TTYL - Talk To You Later
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary

PM Turner_727 to request additions to this list.
Thread closed.

Edit: You slipped in between my post and my closing the thread, Akka! :lol:
Originally posted by FenrysWulf
Incidentally, I am proud to say that I believe I am the creator of the term SOD, or Stack of Death, which refers to the computer's penchant for sending stacks of 50 units at you.
Sorry, but you're wrong.
It's not Stack of Death, it's Stack of Doom :D
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