I've slightly modified Communitas mapscript since the last script provided in Vox Populi mod was very criticised.
My goal is to make Communitas fun to play with VP mechanics in mind, with every location valuable in its own way whilst remaining believable.
EDIT. Link to the latest release (recommended):
Release 1.17
We proudly announce that as of August 2020 Communitu_79a is delivered within Vox Populi full mod. The version offered above is intended for non VP installations.
For VP, this is the last version:
Release 2.2
EDIT. Complete major changes for version 1.17
1.- Removed the polar canals. This was a guaranteed passage both on North and South poles, now land tiles may block it.
2.- Added a forced canal. If you want a guaranteed circumnavegable passage, there's one, but you won't know its location (somewhere around the tropics). I did my best to try to conceal this passage into natural forms, so people don't see an artificial canal.
3.- Modified the shape of the oceans. Before it was a sinusoidal wave, now it's a rather random line that cross vertically following the lowest path. Pacific ocean is wide in the equator, Atlantic ocean is wide in the poles.
4.- Added new logic for forest generation. Now, having some forest around might trigger more forest to spawn (before it depended just on the humidity of the tile, so forest followed river lines).
5.- Reworked the requisites for each climate. Cold deserts now exist, although the picture is the same. Tundra tiles are more common and have more forests. Jungles appear when the humidity and heat are right, instead of just spawning between latitudes. Islands have more atolls in the temperate latitudes.
6.- More ice and snow allowed. It is still sparse, though. Ice logic at sea was changed so tiny islands near the poles can be accessed.
7.- Increased the lenght of rivers and mountain chains. Increased the occurrence of isthmus.
8.- Changed resource distribution. Especially increased fish resources where fertility is low, deer on tundras and mineable resources in deserts (these changes make any territory playable in its own way). Allowed some horses in flooding plains (as its Civilopedia description). The total number of land tiles filled with resources should be less than what is seen in old Communitas. Strategics were severely reduced and unevenly distributed, to force a more strategic approach, still working on it since now they seem to be too unevenly distributed.
9.- Added lots of ingame options so every player can tweak the map to his likings. Even then, if some option falls short, you might access the lua file and easily change one or two values to your preferred option.
Complete changelog for version 1.06
- Fixed wheat and forests spawning in deserts.
- Fixed resources spawning so they happen where Civilopedia says.
- Reduced the overall frequency of resources, so there's more room for farms and villages. Increased for bison and fish.
- Reduced the frequency of strategic resources, so there's need for trading.
- Increased late game strategics and bonus resources on harsh terrain and islands.
- Added resources to snow.
- Wider Atlantic ocean rifts.
- Mid Atlantic islands less frequent.
- Greatly reduced island occurrence.
- Forests and jungles increase the chance to spawn an adjacent feature.
- Fewer but longer rivers.
- Fixed land percentage, rifts no longer influence final land percentage.
- Changed atoll logic. Had to replace it because it was a part of the tiny islands I just removed.
- Experimental: Removed tundra restriction on latitudes. Now only temperature and humidity affects the terrain. Winds can make warm arctics and cool tropics. (More testing is needed for proper and even distribution).
EDIT. Install instructions.
Download the zip file. Extract it to this folder:
User/Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Maps
I've slightly modified Communitas mapscript since the last script provided in Vox Populi mod was very criticised.
My goal is to make Communitas fun to play with VP mechanics in mind, with every location valuable in its own way whilst remaining believable.
EDIT. Link to the latest release (recommended):
Release 1.17
We proudly announce that as of August 2020 Communitu_79a is delivered within Vox Populi full mod. The version offered above is intended for non VP installations.
For VP, this is the last version:
Release 2.2
EDIT. Complete major changes for version 1.17
1.- Removed the polar canals. This was a guaranteed passage both on North and South poles, now land tiles may block it.
2.- Added a forced canal. If you want a guaranteed circumnavegable passage, there's one, but you won't know its location (somewhere around the tropics). I did my best to try to conceal this passage into natural forms, so people don't see an artificial canal.
3.- Modified the shape of the oceans. Before it was a sinusoidal wave, now it's a rather random line that cross vertically following the lowest path. Pacific ocean is wide in the equator, Atlantic ocean is wide in the poles.
4.- Added new logic for forest generation. Now, having some forest around might trigger more forest to spawn (before it depended just on the humidity of the tile, so forest followed river lines).
5.- Reworked the requisites for each climate. Cold deserts now exist, although the picture is the same. Tundra tiles are more common and have more forests. Jungles appear when the humidity and heat are right, instead of just spawning between latitudes. Islands have more atolls in the temperate latitudes.
6.- More ice and snow allowed. It is still sparse, though. Ice logic at sea was changed so tiny islands near the poles can be accessed.
7.- Increased the lenght of rivers and mountain chains. Increased the occurrence of isthmus.
8.- Changed resource distribution. Especially increased fish resources where fertility is low, deer on tundras and mineable resources in deserts (these changes make any territory playable in its own way). Allowed some horses in flooding plains (as its Civilopedia description). The total number of land tiles filled with resources should be less than what is seen in old Communitas. Strategics were severely reduced and unevenly distributed, to force a more strategic approach, still working on it since now they seem to be too unevenly distributed.
9.- Added lots of ingame options so every player can tweak the map to his likings. Even then, if some option falls short, you might access the lua file and easily change one or two values to your preferred option.
Complete changelog for version 1.06
- Fixed wheat and forests spawning in deserts.
- Fixed resources spawning so they happen where Civilopedia says.
- Reduced the overall frequency of resources, so there's more room for farms and villages. Increased for bison and fish.
- Reduced the frequency of strategic resources, so there's need for trading.
- Increased late game strategics and bonus resources on harsh terrain and islands.
- Added resources to snow.
- Wider Atlantic ocean rifts.
- Mid Atlantic islands less frequent.
- Greatly reduced island occurrence.
- Forests and jungles increase the chance to spawn an adjacent feature.
- Fewer but longer rivers.
- Fixed land percentage, rifts no longer influence final land percentage.
- Changed atoll logic. Had to replace it because it was a part of the tiny islands I just removed.
- Experimental: Removed tundra restriction on latitudes. Now only temperature and humidity affects the terrain. Winds can make warm arctics and cool tropics. (More testing is needed for proper and even distribution).
EDIT. Install instructions.
Download the zip file. Extract it to this folder:
User/Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Maps
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