[Community Effort] French Translation


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
This is the thread for translating the mod into French. See here for the general thread explaining how the translation works and should be organised.

I will maintain this first thread with the members participating in this translation including the endorsed coordinator, but otherwise leave organisation to you. You don't need to be in this list to participate (I may be slow to update sometimes), but please coordinate with the coordinator.

Coordinator: Steb
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All right, allons-y.

I have created a git branch "traduction_francaise" which will serve as the base for the translation. If you want to help and know git, you can branch off from it, translate stuff, and then submit a pull request. I will merge it and thus collect all the translation work. If you're less comfortable with git, you can edit directly on github and then submit a pull request (it's very easy), or use any method you find simpler, like downloading an XML file, translating, and then posting the edited file here.

Unlike when writing the XML text in English, we need to worry about le genre et le nombre. A basic entry looks like this:
<French>Nous sommes en l'an 50 avant J.-C. Toute la Gaule est occup&#233;e. Toute? Non!<French>
This is what we want for long text like in my example, since a sentence or paragraph can't be "plural" or "feminine".

Here's what it might look like for a noun with fixed gender but which can be singular or plural:
And here for an adjective that can take any gender and number:
Notice the colons separating the words, and the <Gender> and <Plural> lines specifying which entry is which.

Even when an entry is invariable, we should still specify the gender and number:
    <Text>Les Grecs</Text>

I'd say it's probably not such a big deal if you just use the basic pattern even for words that should be correctly tagged feminine etc. (at worst there'll be a few grammar inconsistencies in the game) but it would be good practice to do them. Look at the original Civ4 code for examples, and when in doubt, ask!

As Leoreth said, it's better to work on small chunks, so please let everyone here know what you're working on. For now just I think just using this thread for keeping track is fine, if it gets too complex we'll look into other solutions.
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I can help, as I'm french and I have some time right now (summer holidays are for teachers too !)
Just tell me what you want me to translate first, and how should I send it to you.
You can start with basically any file in XML/Text! You can edit a file and then post it here, or edit it directly in github (e.g. to edit Actions.xml, go here, click the pencil icon, edit the file, and then click "propose file change" at the end).

To-do list:
(bolding indicates a big file)
(greyed out files are done)
  • Actions
  • Barbarians
  • Buildings (buildings are done, strategy texts aren't)
  • Civics
  • Civilopedia (low priority)
  • Congress
  • Corporations
  • Dawn of Man
  • Diplomacy
  • Events
  • Features
  • Handicaps
  • Hints
  • Improvements
  • Interface
  • Leaders
  • Modifiers
  • National Wonders
  • Projects (except strategy texts)
  • Promotions
  • Regions
  • Religions
  • Ressources
  • Stability
  • Strategies
  • Technologies (names and most quotes are done; pedia and some quotes aren't)
  • Unique Powers
  • Units (names are done, strategy texts aren't)
  • Victory
  • World Wonders (names and help texts are done including new wonders, help texts, strategy texts aren't)
Dynamic names: all done
Spoiler :

  • America
  • Arabia
  • Argentina
  • Aztecs
  • Babylonia
  • Brazil
  • Byzantium
  • Canada
  • Carthage
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Congo
  • Egypt
  • England
  • Ethiopia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Harappa
  • Holy Rome
  • Inca
  • Independents
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Khmer
  • Korea
  • Mali
  • Maya
  • Mexico
  • Mongolia
  • Moors
  • Mughals
  • Netherlands
  • Ottomans
  • Persia
  • Poland
  • Polynesia
  • Portugal
  • Rome
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Tamils
  • Thailand
  • Tibet
  • Turks
  • Vikings
  • DynamicNames.xml

Plus a few things in XML/Text/External. I'll edit the list as we go along.
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Let me add that most external text is most likely already translated, and that Civilopedia has the lowest priority. It's not as bad if a pedia entry is untranslated as opposed to the name of an actual game element.
I translated all the Dawn of Man texts! Probably not the most important but it was kinda fun. Also the religions and regions files. See the pull request.
See my recent pull request that fixes the 2 small errors that come up when launching the game.

Also, when loading the game in French, there is a problem of encoding that prevents playing:
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "CvScreensInterface", line 693, in forceScreenRedraw

  File "CvMainInterface", line 1320, in redraw

  File "CvMainInterface", line 5158, in updateScoreStrings

  File "CvMainInterface", line 5757, in getPaganReligionChar

  File "FontUtil", line 164, in getChar

  File "FontUtil", line 154, in getSymbol

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)
ERR: Python function forceScreenRedraw failed, module CvScreensInterface
This is what happens when the game has to encode a non ASCII character, in this case the code E9 is an é. Check if you haven't converted all your characters.
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Hmm, I don't think that's it. I think I removed the errors and I still get the exception—but only when there is a Pagan civ in the game (e.g. launching a 3000 BC game, or—I just tried this— playing the Byzantines and meeting the Vikings). Maybe related to the Pagan symbol in the scoreboard?

I noted another important problem. The XML keys of things related to civilizations seem to differ between the languages! For instance, Japan's dynamic name shows up as TXT_KEY_CIV_JAPON_DEFAULT instead of correctly using JAPAN and using the translation. I noticed that for some other civs and also the Dawn of Man texts. How are the keys defined? I assume there's some sort of string manipulation to put the name of the civ in it, and that's sensitive to language. It'd be good to make that name English in all cases.
Strange, is that problem already present in the develop version? I can try to investigate it.

I am aware of the text key problem for dynamic names. Some text keys are automatically determined by the code to simplify things, but apparently that is not hard wired to English as I thought. I will look into it.
Some questions to fellow French speakers:
- How should we translate "core" and "core area"? Cœur? Zone centrale?
- The techs sailing, seafaring and navigation can be called respectively "Navigation à voile", "Navigation en mer" and "Navigation", but then it's weird to discover "Navigation" after the other two. Quelqu'un a un synonyme pour navigation dans le sens de l'art de diriger un navire?
- Comment traduiriez-vous les technologies "Academia", "Scholarship" et "Statecraft"?
Would the third navigation be navigating by the stars, perhaps (I am on holiday, I can't check)? Read the description of the technology, if it exists, to see what it is about, to find ideas?
Just a few thoughts: maybe sailing could just be The Sail? Or another word that refers to early boating? I see Seafaring as a more general word not just about steering a literal ship, but also economic and military activities using ships, maybe there is a different generic term for that?
Heureux de voir que le projet est lancé ! :)
Pas trop le temps en ce moment avec le boulot, d'autant que je ni le jeu installé ni un bon ordi... Mais j’espère pouvoir m'y mettre bientôt !

Some questions to fellow French speakers:
- How should we translate "core" and "core area"? Cœur? Zone centrale?

Je dirais tout simplement "centre".

- The techs sailing, seafaring and navigation can be called respectively "Navigation à voile", "Navigation en mer" and "Navigation", but then it's weird to discover "Navigation" after the other two. Quelqu'un a un synonyme pour navigation dans le sens de l'art de diriger un navire?

"Voile" est a mon avis la solution la plus élégante pour sailing, et ensuite "Navigation" pour seafaring. Qu'est ce que tu penses de "Marine" pour navigation ? C'est le plus logique historiquement, et ça englobe tout le système.

- Comment traduiriez-vous les technologies "Academia", "Scholarship" et "Statecraft"?

Pour Academia, je pense qu' "Université" marche bien.
Scholarship je sèche. C'est au moyen age c'est ça ? "Érudition" sonne pas très bien, "Scholastique" est trop précis a mon avis...
Pour Statecraft, "Gouvernement" est surement trop large. "Centralisation" ?
Some questions to fellow French speakers:
- How should we translate "core" and "core area"? Cœur? Zone centrale?
Semi serious response but actual usage in the context of France suggests "métropole".
Would the third navigation be navigating by the stars, perhaps (I am on holiday, I can't check)? Read the description of the technology, if it exists, to see what it is about, to find ideas?
From my understanding, "navigation" refers to anything being used to direct ships others than landmarks on the shore, e.g. the stars. That's also called "navigation" in French, but the word also has the more general meaning of using a ship in any context.

Just a few thoughts: maybe sailing could just be The Sail? Or another word that refers to early boating? I see Seafaring as a more general word not just about steering a literal ship, but also economic and military activities using ships, maybe there is a different generic term for that?
Yeah, I'm going to use "Voile" ("Sail") for Sailing.

Heureux de voir que le projet est lancé ! :)
Pas trop le temps en ce moment avec le boulot, d'autant que je ni le jeu installé ni un bon ordi... Mais j’espère pouvoir m'y mettre bientôt !

Je dirais tout simplement "centre".

"Voile" est a mon avis la solution la plus élégante pour sailing, et ensuite "Navigation" pour seafaring. Qu'est ce que tu penses de "Marine" pour navigation ? C'est le plus logique historiquement, et ça englobe tout le système.

Pour Academia, je pense qu' "Université" marche bien.
Scholarship je sèche. C'est au moyen age c'est ça ? "Érudition" sonne pas très bien, "Scholastique" est trop précis a mon avis...
Pour Statecraft, "Gouvernement" est surement trop large. "Centralisation" ?
Université c'est bon. J'aimerais garder le sens de navigation pour "navigation", mais marine est une bonne option pour "seafaring", merci!

@Leoreth, what is the Scholarship tech meant to be in the context of the tech tree?

Semi serious response but actual usage in the context of France suggests "métropole".
Interesting thought, but that word is too closely associated with colonialism, I think. It'd be weird for, say, the Iranian Plateau to be the "métropole" of the Persian Empire.
When I pulled the latest French translation changes, the à characters were not encoded, despite being encoded on github.
Can you tell me where? I noticed some problems with the encoding too, I'll see what I can do.
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