[Community Effort] German Translation


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
This is the thread for translating the mod into German. See here for the general thread explaining how the translation works and should be organised.

I will maintain this first thread with the members participating in this translation including the endorsed coordinator, but otherwise leave organisation to you. You don't need to be in this list to participate (I may be slow to update sometimes), but please coordinate with the coordinator.
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I'll keep the list of translated files updated here. If anyone wants to contribute just message me, or post it here in this thread.
Currently translated files:
Colors.xml (was already fully translated)


Currently being worked on:

I also opened up a document with my notes on translated lines on which i'm kinda unsure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1otmViS_8Gb9VCfUe42c4qjxFqQFoH1-RauMN8kwQMMY/edit?usp=sharing

So, i have now started with translating some lines of text, and created a pull request for the changed files.
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I saw the pull request, thanks. Please keep the thread updated on which files you have started working on in case anyone wants to jump in.
I saw the pull request, thanks. Please keep the thread updated on which files you have started working on in case anyone wants to jump in.
I'll keep the list updated in the second post.
The UHV text for the third Brazilian goal names 1880AD as deadline when it's actually 1950AD, to be found in Text\Victory.xml

While I'm here I might as well give some input on the notes @Sarius1997 posted:

Ich würde Spawn entweder so lassen oder vielleicht als Geburt übersetzen, zumindest Wiedergeburt für respawn klingt halbwegs gut.

"Odds and Ends" würde ich vielleicht einfach als "Allfälliges" oder "Sonstiges" übersetzen.

"Großes Christliches Schisma" passt schon.
I have never heard "allfälliges" before.
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Well it's been abandoned, if you want to rebase and address the comment, then there's no reason not to merge it.
Found a neat little life-hack: Accessing the ingame settings and changing the language there and then changing it back makes the game load the text files anew instead of just grabbing them from the cache, which means I no longer have to restart the entire game and/or mod if I'm only working on text and want to check how it actually looks ingame.

Also Umlauts are a blight upon the German language and I want to see them eradicated.
Not that I disagree, but better aim your hatred at English speaking developers who don't want to put in the minor additional amount of work to consistently support unicode.
Also Umlauts are a blight upon the German language and I want to see them eradicated.
You're not serious. Umlauts are necessary, otherwise we would have to cripple our vocabulary. Also, French, Spanish, Czech, Norse, Polish... all have their own characters which are typical for their language and without them their language would lack expression.

Also, any way I can help, or would that interrupt the routine?
Orthographic changes aren't the same as changing the language itself. Knoedel was almost certainly referring to the diacritic umlaut, rather than the vowel change feature. Knödel is still Knödel even if it's spelled Knoedel.
Still "Buerogebaeude" is less readable than "Bürogebäude". "Soester Börde" is pretty clear in how to pronounciate, "Soester Boerde" confuses the matter. More ingame: "Füsilier" / "Fuesilier", "Armbrustschuetze" / "Armbrustschütze" and "Jäger" / Jaeger". Or describing effects: "vergrößert / erhöht den Währungsausstoß einer Stadt" . The only thing possible is to use words that don't have Umlauts in them, like "steigert die Wirtschaft einer Stadt". (don't know how the game concept "currency" was translated into German, obviously!)

But, yeah, inconsiderate orginal game developers are a problem for modders, and we have no means of forcing them to accomodate translators, ten years after the fact.
You're not serious. Umlauts are necessary, otherwise we would have to cripple our vocabulary. Also, French, Spanish, Czech, Norse, Polish... all have their own characters which are typical for their language and without them their language would lack expression.

Yeah so let's just abolish all those stupid languages and use Esperanto instead or something.

Also, any way I can help, or would that interrupt the routine?

I don't really have a routine to speak of, so feel free to translate away.
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