[Community Effort] Italian Translation


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
This is the thread for translating the mod into Italian. See here for the general thread explaining how the translation works and should be organised.

I will maintain this first thread with the members participating in this translation including the endorsed coordinator, but otherwise leave organisation to you. You don't need to be in this list to participate (I may be slow to update sometimes), but please coordinate with the coordinator.
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i can try to make this on my own (but actually i don't think there are much italians following this mod)
It's true that apparently Italian speakers are the smallest group of the five languages. But often that is a circular reason: if the mod was translated it would be easier to get Italian speakers to play it. So it would help a lot if you could work on a translation. It's fine if you are doing this on your own, but be prepared to share the workload if someone else shows up in this thread.
I could try and help with the Italian translation but I'm not quite fluent so I fear that I would lose a lot of vocabulary and idiomatic nuances in translation.

That being said, that's still better than no translation.
Maybe you could help me with short sentences like dynamic names or buildings, it shouldn't be that difficult (actually a lot of dynamic names are already in italian since they come from vanilla bts or rfc)
hi, i'm italian too.. i've some frre time, if yu want help in translating..

ciao ganker14 se vuoi ti posso aiutare, ma non so le meccaniche per tradurre materialmente i file (cioè come si fa :) )
Who is the coordinator for italian language?
The first problem is that in language files there is no italian at all at the moment.

The first step should be to copy english text into italian tags in order to have a playable game for test purposing.
After that it is possible to translate each single block of text.
The first step should be to copy english text into italian tags in order to have a playable game for test purposing.
After that it is possible to translate each single block of text.
That is already the case.
That is already the case.
This is not my case.

Did i miss anything?

For example: this is my file
Beyond the Sword\Mods\RFC Dawn of Civilization\Assets\XML\Text\features.xml

And almost all text\xml files have no italian node.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Features -->
Not sure if anyone else is currently actively working on the Italian translation. So you can work on what you prefer, but also need to make sure yourself to get the changes into the main project. If you can, make a pull request. Otherwise upload the file here and someone else may do that.
Well, i just tried to make a pull request.
Tell me if i did well, so i can use this procedure for other files.

Where are other italian players? I can translate some files, but it is a big work to do alone.
So far I don't see the pull request. What exactly did you do?
So far I don't see the pull request. What exactly did you do?
I don't remember exactly: i'm not skilled with git.
I clicked somewhere and it created a fork of the whole project in my directory:
Then i started to translate a file in my directory and i clicked on "Commit change" after file modification.
I read something about pulling elsewhere but i can't remember.

I must learn how to use git before starting to translate, or i risk to waste something because of inexperience of git.
To create a PR, go to this page. Click the "New Pull request" button. Then, click on "Compare across forks". Select your fork in the 3rd dropdown menu and select the branch with the changes in the 4th dropbown menu. (I see that you made changes in your develop, so you do not need to select the correct branch) The last step is to click the "Create pull request button".

You always need to commit the changes to your own fork before you can make a PR. But you already managed to do that.
That worked, I have merged your changes.
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