• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Compatibility with other Mods

AFAIK, it works with some, and not with others. If the mod in question uses it's own DLL, then you can't use BULL with it, but BUG will probably work OK with it. :)
Seems I spoke too soon.

I don't know if this is a mod issue or a BUG issue, but since I have had the same problems with the Next War mod (I thought I had a corrupt copy of it), I am thinking that it is a BUG issue.

1. The BUG and BULL interfaces are not present at all.

2. The Science Advisor tab shows a blank tech tree.

3. The Military Advisor tab doesn't work (calls up nothing).

4. Similarly, the Foreign Advisor tab calls up nothing.

I went through the files in the Extras mod, and I don't see any dlls in them, so I am at a loss at how this conflict is happening.
From the description, it looks like Extra adds some Python work, which could also be conflicting. Are you running Full or Core? I'll download and take a look at the comparison and see if I can't get something working. :)

I'm running the full one (first from the top).
Okay, I've had a look, and this patch *should* work. Of the conflicts, I think the Main Interface one is the trickiest, but I think there are only a couple of changes that conflict. So, try it out and get back to us! I'm playtesting it now, too! :)

You'll want to unzip this into your Mods directory, and you should be asked to overwrite some files - that's the patch.

EDIT: It appears to be working nicely at my end. :D


Okay, I've had a look, and this patch *should* work. Of the conflicts, I think the Main Interface one is the trickiest, but I think there are only a couple of changes that conflict. So, try it out and get back to us! I'm playtesting it now, too! :)

You'll want to unzip this into your Mods directory, and you should be asked to overwrite some files - that's the patch.

EDIT: It appears to be working nicely at my end. :D

Hi, Niknaks.

I tried it, but it didn't work. The game still starts with a blank tech screen. When I press the Exit button, it goes back to the no interface and same problems as before.

I did notice something else this time round: It says that it can't find the xml file for BUGInit. (EDIT: Only happens on the first time I get into a game on game boot up; when I restart a game later without starting the whole game again, I didn't get that message)

For clarity, I did the Modify CustomsAssets folder way of installing BUG (the latest version). The Extra mod is in the BTS mods folder in Program Files.

I think it is just how I installed BUG, although it works perfectly with vanilla BTS...

EDIT: And on trying to get a screenshot of the message, I suddenly realised that my keyboard does NOT have the Print Screen key :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
So, BUG 4.4 is installed in CustomAssets, and you're running Extra from the Mods? Hm. I'll have another play with it at some point this week and see what's up.

EDIT: There's a specific callback error, so it should be traceable.

Yes. The Extra mod doesn't have its own start up icon. I have to go into Civ then load from there.
Is this the same thing you get?
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "BugUtil", line 691, in <lambda>

  File "BugEventManager", line 570, in preGameStart

  File "CvAppInterface", line 70, in preGameStart

  File "CvScreensInterface", line 83, in showTechChooser

  File "CvTechChooser", line 231, in interfaceScreen

  File "CvTechChooser", line 243, in ConstructTabs

  File "CvTechChooser", line 280, in DrawTechChooser

  File "CvTechChooser", line 324, in placeTechs

AttributeError: type object 'CvPythonExtensions.WidgetTypes' has no attribute 'WIDGET_TECH_CHOOSER_ERA'
ERR: Python function preGameStart failed, module CvAppInterface
And then:
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "CvScreensInterface", line 72, in showMainInterface

  File "CvMainInterface", line 428, in interfaceScreen

  File "CvMainInterface", line 346, in initState

  File "PLE", line 180, in PLE_CalcConstants

  File "PLE", line 851, in getMaxRow

ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
ERR: Python function showMainInterface failed, module CvScreensInterface
If you go to your documents folder, in the My Games/Beyond the Sword directory, there should be a file called CivilizationIV.ini. Find the line that says:

LoggingEnabled = 0

... and change it to 1. Then, run the mod again, and replicate the problem, and a file will be created in My Games/Beyond the Sword/Logs called PythonErr.log. Copy and paste that here.
If you go to your documents folder, in the My Games/Beyond the Sword directory, there should be a file called CivilizationIV.ini. Find the line that says:

LoggingEnabled = 0

... and change it to 1. Then, run the mod again, and replicate the problem, and a file will be created in My Games/Beyond the Sword/Logs called PythonErr.log. Copy and paste that here.

Exact match.

PythonErr.log on startup:
Spoiler :

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "BugUtil", line 691, in <lambda>

File "BugEventManager", line 570, in preGameStart

File "CvAppInterface", line 70, in preGameStart

File "CvScreensInterface", line 83, in showTechChooser

File "CvTechChooser", line 231, in interfaceScreen

File "CvTechChooser", line 243, in ConstructTabs

File "CvTechChooser", line 280, in DrawTechChooser

File "CvTechChooser", line 324, in placeTechs

AttributeError: type object 'CvPythonExtensions.WidgetTypes' has no attribute 'WIDGET_TECH_CHOOSER_ERA'
ERR: Python function preGameStart failed, module CvAppInterface

Same log on exiting game:
Spoiler :

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 72, in showMainInterface

File "CvMainInterface", line 428, in interfaceScreen

File "CvMainInterface", line 346, in initState

File "PLE", line 180, in PLE_CalcConstants

File "PLE", line 851, in getMaxRow

ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
ERR: Python function showMainInterface failed, module CvScreensInterface

I am calling that a perfect match...
Success! Or it looks like it. What you need to do is copy the "Config" folder from your "CustomAssets" into the "Assets" folder wherever you installed "Extra". You should end up with a structure like "Extra/Assets/Config". Now try running the mod.

It seems that BUG can't load the config files it needs if you're running a mod, so you need to copy those across as well as merging the files. If this works, I might announce it somewhere. :)
Success! Or it looks like it. What you need to do is copy the "Config" folder from your "CustomAssets" into the "Assets" folder wherever you installed "Extra". You should end up with a structure like "Extra/Assets/Config". Now try running the mod.

It seems that BUG can't load the config files it needs if you're running a mod, so you need to copy those across as well as merging the files. If this works, I might announce it somewhere. :)

It works. I have only played a couple of turns, but it seems to solve all the issues :)

Yay! Thanks, Niknaks!
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