Date 5/31/2010, up to patch n, post 3649
Compilation of bugs from the bug list 0.41 patch k through patch m, right before n
Current patch n, o pending
Comments Before patch k, probably the most serious issue we had was WoCs and crashes from units with animal AI and hidden nationality; tigers mostly, hill giants, wolves, and elephants. Fortunately, this error seems to have been largely fixed. Patch n seems to have fixed most of the CtD's and WoC's
Currently, the most serious issues appear to be:
Violation errors: Units illegally in the same stack. Although this has been around for a long time, we have many reports of this error. It appears that Denev has fixed this, see posts 3352 3354. Probably patch n fixed most of these.
Religion switching The AI players are switching religions, causing anarchy and weakness
Basium and Hyborem being really stupid See post 3553 for a possible explanation and the fixes used in other mods
Multiple Mage bug Serious bug causes a WoC if many mages are in the same square. This was almost certainly the summoning bug, fixed in patch n.
Automated workers acting very inefficiently, often switching improvements on the same tile
Sons of Inferno break the game see separate thread. Given loyalty in patch n.
Harlequin Taunt bug Sephi has a fix in post 3498. Fixed in patch n.
Avatar of Wrath Bug Apparently the Avatar of Wrath doesnt cause the bug, but the enraged units somewhere cause it. There are fixes posted that stop units from being enraged, but there isnt a fix (that I know of) that gets to the real problem. Not clear if fixed in patch n.
Sporadic WoC and CtDs
Also, Denev recommended a variety of fixes that appear to have been implemented. Most of these seem to have been implemented though. See posts 3019, 3066, 3087, 3101, 3194, 3115, 3128, 3133, 3305 (flood plains), 3354 (critical bug fix, stops violations). I think most of these have been adopted in patch n.
Sephi has some very important bug fixes, including taunt (3498) (fixed in patch n), stopping barbarians from plundering graveyards (3500), withdrawal (3527)
Sephi posted dynamic radius bug fix in post 3591. (Not clear if this was included in n)
WoCs and CtDs:
3103 (no save) crash. Purportedly from worker AI on being automated
3131 (no save) Game crash after barbarians flipped a city and Acheron moved in
3143 (no save) Crash opening lair
3184 - save attached. Avatar of Wrath bug. (Note to newer readers, this bug was in older versions). Not clear if fixed in patch n.
3223, 3227, 3230 Violation error. This CtD was described by Nikis-Knight way back in post 258! It occurs when units not allowed in the same square wind up that way. In 3223, we had a combination of Nox Noctis, and a barbarian skeleton, an animal, and a unit capable of capturing animals. Somehow the hunter captured the animal, it was now revealed and it was on the same square as the skeleton. In 3227, it was caused by a demagogue spawning in a square with an enemy unit. In 3230 animals were captured from an enemy city. Probably mostly fixed in patch n.
Presumably a satyrs mesmerize ability could cause this to happen also.
Currently, it appears that For the Horde is vulnerable to this bug. Probably fixed in patch n.
3182 WoC, fixed in 3185 caused by a skeleton on a barrow. In post 3187 the reporter mentioned that For the Horde had been cast by the AI, maybe impacting the skeleton (perhaps a violation error?) Probably fixed in patch n.
3265 WoC, fixed 3272. The WoC is caused by an angel who happens to be far away from the rest of the Basium army. Perhaps related to chasing a unit under Nox Noctis
3288 CtD Momus scenario caused by Duke Sallos swordsman and imp stacked together. May be fixed in patch n?
3294, 3296 VERY weird. Deleting a demagogue ANYWHERE on the board stops the crash. (Perhaps it prevents one from spawning on top of an enemy unit, a violation error?). Probably fixed in patch n.
3367, 3383, 3388 WoC I couldnt fix it, because it turns out NOT to be a WoC, but the game will go on after a half hour or so (on my system)! Subsequently, the game goes a normal amount of time
3413 WoC For some reason I never tested this, sorry about that
3445, 3448 Multiple Mage error. Probably the summoning error fixed in patch n.
3472, 3473 Multiple mage bug. Probably the summoning error fixed in patch n.
3475, 3485, 3494 This was REAL weird. Underlying cause appears to be the For the Horde bug, probably a form of violation error. I could fix the bug in game, but when I saved and reloaded, in the exact same spot, the bug reappeared this sequence isnt supposed to happen. Im really weirded out by this. Probably fixed in patch n.
3507, 3508 Multiple mage bug. Probably fixed in patch n.
3534, 3536 WoC - A Shadow in a SoD causes the CtD
3539 3540 CtD Emptiness and I worked on this it looks like the bug is caused by the Calabim civilization, in checking for the River of Blood spell. When Emptiness set all other cities to population 3 or greater, he cleared the bug. However, the bug does seem to be influenced by the human player scout being eliminated by animals (sometimes?)
3573, fixed in 3581 CtD - For the horde violation error bug. Probably fixed in patch n.
3614 Fixed 3615 WoC Caused by a barbarian city with 4 units in it, not entirely clear why. Maybe fixed in patch n?
3617, fixed in 3620 CtD - A hidden settler was in the same square as an enemy unit. When it formed a city a violation error occurred. (Will be fixed in patch o)
3629, fixed in 3630 CtD - Rally violation error (fixed in patch n)
Python errors
3106 (for some reason, the screenshot here was deleted). Confirmed in 3109
3637 (see 3646) error in Order vs. Veil (fixed in patch o)
General Game Errors
Excessive religion switching by AI 3011, 3038, (save 3041) 3070, 3082, 3144, 3152, 3153, 3193, 3277, others.
3046 Mercurians with Empyrean researching Hidden Paths. 3156. Decius can research Hidden Paths even though he is Empyrean. Post 3233 shows the same error, that if you switch a religion you can still build the tech associated with the original religion if the tech had already been started. 3237 reports the same error
3114 Adepts not upgrading fast enough (unconfirmed). AI cities being built in jungle. Barbarian behavior unreliable.
3116, 3117, 3128 discussion of genesis, it appears Kael has fixed it in m. Discussion of how hell terrain will wipe out an ancient forest on tundra while not on a regular forest. Kael explains why this works, but possible fix by Denev. (Breunor I think)
3128 (refers to post 2867) If an Ira has Orthus Axe, then it gets +2 from killing a unit; while an Repentant Angel does not lose one if using Orthus Axe
3129, 3155, many others leader tags missing
3133- Denev reports certain plot counters likely not working as intended
3149 Stasis and the Amurite world spell cast together caused unusual effects
3150 Map script errors reported (specific ones) seem to occur because reported counters arent reset on regenerate map
3151 In post 2932, MC reiterated that unique features dont work on a flood plain. 3151 states mirror of heaven not working on a flood plain
3161, 3488 Dain the Caswallans favorite wonder is a Pagan Temple. (Will be fixed in patch o)
3175 Save attached, see 3185. Weird bug. The Malakim cant build lightbringers in a city connected to the capital. They can in unconnected cities! The bug is fixed by building a paladin, three were already out so the fourth had to be completed before the lightbringers could be built.
3216 Blight appears to have missed a city
3221 Sailors Dirge in an ice square
3251 For the horde still captures Disciples of Acheron. Other posts confirm.
3291 Units recruited by the Hippus getting both mithral and iron weapons!
3338, (patch k) #1 - Tooltip gives BtS information for Caste system; #20, Overcouncil isn't including all voters, resolutions not passing , can't trade techs even though trade is researched, tech trading and bartering is allowed (maybe a council resolution?)
3359, 3368, 3375 If a city isnt connected to the capital, it impacts the use of obsidian gates. Original post was patch K, but I confirmed it was the same in patch M. (See 3175 and 3185, for example)
3364 (many others, back from patch k) cant assign keys to a unit or stack
3379 Archery units are supposed to get combat 1 from events, doesnt happen
3416 The spell wonder is not passing on illusion/puppet status correctly
3434, 3463, 3467 Catapults reducing city defense after movement. It seems to happen on the first turn of a war against a civ with which you have open borders (not 100% sure here). The city defense reduction occurs well after the movement in terms of the AI turn
3462 AI giving up mana resources for free
3474 Hyborem is killed on the turn of summoning; it appears that Gela cant be picked up
3479 Another Harlequin bug (program fix provided by Sephi in 3498) (fixed in patch n)
3597 Workboats not forming into fishing boats
3635 Player not seeing lightning elementals (Breunor comment I think this is working properly)
Perhaps a Feature/AI Issues
3083 Casing destroy undead is not an automatic DoW if cast over players with whom not at war. 3137 Maelstorm also didnt start a war (Apparently, the rule is that if you cast these spells in your own border, they do not cause a war, so this probably isnt a bug)
3141 AI workers developing land outside of fat crosses apparently not to spread irrigation
3202, 3634 Second unit built from warrens doesnt get upgrade from shrine
3220 Hall of Mirrors always duplicates something (Breunor I not sure I understand this one)
3225 Fire elementals summoned by sons of inferno dont attack
3231 AI doesnt know how to use Seven Pines. In 3234 Emptiness explains this is a general issue, For instance the Amurites and Illians cant use Letum Frigus
3244, 3534, 3538 AI and automated workers will work over improvements. Further discussions, Emptiness points out this can be stopped with an option. Apparently this phenomenon happens in BtS
3260 Balseraphs dont build arenas. Note they can build mimics in one case so the AI may just think they arent important. Looks like this was fixed in patch n.
3265, 3266 Barbarians stop a turn before attacking
3265 Bears (and presumably other animals) will chase units. Once a chased unit is within a cultural border, the bear will sit and wait for the unit forever instead of moving on
3338 (patch k) - #3,4,9 - settler performing poorly; #6 Seeing another Civ from an ancient tower doesn't open up diplomacy; team play mechanics with the Kuriotates in particular not optimized; #21 Hill giants sometimes seem to act like animals and sometimes like beasts
3404 Worldbreak can destroy the palace.
3451 A treasure chest prevents a Civ from being destroyed if complete kills is used
3488 - Kandos Fir not expanding
3513 AI isnt producing enough culture to stop human from taking its lands
3516 (no save) Units losing metal promotions, apparently not from rust
3526 Letum Frigus and Ring of Carcer in the same square
3547 Doviello workers that upgrade to Beastmen keep the AI-Worker script
3586 Player asked to adopt Empyrean by the AI even though there are no Empyrean cities
3597 Foreign workers with open borders can chop down your forests
3597 Killing Barnaxus stops the Luchuirp from getting promotions for newly built units but doesnt remove them from existing golems
3610 (see 3617) CoE units are kicked out of an enemy territory on a DoW if they are sitting on a unit of the other power. This movement obviously stops a violation error but it isnt clear they should go all the way back to the border
3635 Divination is needed to get Life Mana which differs from the tower requirements
3638 After Natures Revolt is cast, barbarians changed into animals are still treated as barbarians in terms of interaction with leaders with the barbarian trait
Best wishes,
Compilation of bugs from the bug list 0.41 patch k through patch m, right before n
Current patch n, o pending
Comments Before patch k, probably the most serious issue we had was WoCs and crashes from units with animal AI and hidden nationality; tigers mostly, hill giants, wolves, and elephants. Fortunately, this error seems to have been largely fixed. Patch n seems to have fixed most of the CtD's and WoC's
Currently, the most serious issues appear to be:
Violation errors: Units illegally in the same stack. Although this has been around for a long time, we have many reports of this error. It appears that Denev has fixed this, see posts 3352 3354. Probably patch n fixed most of these.
Religion switching The AI players are switching religions, causing anarchy and weakness
Basium and Hyborem being really stupid See post 3553 for a possible explanation and the fixes used in other mods
Multiple Mage bug Serious bug causes a WoC if many mages are in the same square. This was almost certainly the summoning bug, fixed in patch n.
Automated workers acting very inefficiently, often switching improvements on the same tile
Sons of Inferno break the game see separate thread. Given loyalty in patch n.
Harlequin Taunt bug Sephi has a fix in post 3498. Fixed in patch n.
Avatar of Wrath Bug Apparently the Avatar of Wrath doesnt cause the bug, but the enraged units somewhere cause it. There are fixes posted that stop units from being enraged, but there isnt a fix (that I know of) that gets to the real problem. Not clear if fixed in patch n.
Sporadic WoC and CtDs
Also, Denev recommended a variety of fixes that appear to have been implemented. Most of these seem to have been implemented though. See posts 3019, 3066, 3087, 3101, 3194, 3115, 3128, 3133, 3305 (flood plains), 3354 (critical bug fix, stops violations). I think most of these have been adopted in patch n.
Sephi has some very important bug fixes, including taunt (3498) (fixed in patch n), stopping barbarians from plundering graveyards (3500), withdrawal (3527)
Sephi posted dynamic radius bug fix in post 3591. (Not clear if this was included in n)
WoCs and CtDs:
3103 (no save) crash. Purportedly from worker AI on being automated
3131 (no save) Game crash after barbarians flipped a city and Acheron moved in
3143 (no save) Crash opening lair
3184 - save attached. Avatar of Wrath bug. (Note to newer readers, this bug was in older versions). Not clear if fixed in patch n.
3223, 3227, 3230 Violation error. This CtD was described by Nikis-Knight way back in post 258! It occurs when units not allowed in the same square wind up that way. In 3223, we had a combination of Nox Noctis, and a barbarian skeleton, an animal, and a unit capable of capturing animals. Somehow the hunter captured the animal, it was now revealed and it was on the same square as the skeleton. In 3227, it was caused by a demagogue spawning in a square with an enemy unit. In 3230 animals were captured from an enemy city. Probably mostly fixed in patch n.
Presumably a satyrs mesmerize ability could cause this to happen also.
Currently, it appears that For the Horde is vulnerable to this bug. Probably fixed in patch n.
3182 WoC, fixed in 3185 caused by a skeleton on a barrow. In post 3187 the reporter mentioned that For the Horde had been cast by the AI, maybe impacting the skeleton (perhaps a violation error?) Probably fixed in patch n.
3265 WoC, fixed 3272. The WoC is caused by an angel who happens to be far away from the rest of the Basium army. Perhaps related to chasing a unit under Nox Noctis
3288 CtD Momus scenario caused by Duke Sallos swordsman and imp stacked together. May be fixed in patch n?
3294, 3296 VERY weird. Deleting a demagogue ANYWHERE on the board stops the crash. (Perhaps it prevents one from spawning on top of an enemy unit, a violation error?). Probably fixed in patch n.
3367, 3383, 3388 WoC I couldnt fix it, because it turns out NOT to be a WoC, but the game will go on after a half hour or so (on my system)! Subsequently, the game goes a normal amount of time
3413 WoC For some reason I never tested this, sorry about that
3445, 3448 Multiple Mage error. Probably the summoning error fixed in patch n.
3472, 3473 Multiple mage bug. Probably the summoning error fixed in patch n.
3475, 3485, 3494 This was REAL weird. Underlying cause appears to be the For the Horde bug, probably a form of violation error. I could fix the bug in game, but when I saved and reloaded, in the exact same spot, the bug reappeared this sequence isnt supposed to happen. Im really weirded out by this. Probably fixed in patch n.
3507, 3508 Multiple mage bug. Probably fixed in patch n.
3534, 3536 WoC - A Shadow in a SoD causes the CtD
3539 3540 CtD Emptiness and I worked on this it looks like the bug is caused by the Calabim civilization, in checking for the River of Blood spell. When Emptiness set all other cities to population 3 or greater, he cleared the bug. However, the bug does seem to be influenced by the human player scout being eliminated by animals (sometimes?)
3573, fixed in 3581 CtD - For the horde violation error bug. Probably fixed in patch n.
3614 Fixed 3615 WoC Caused by a barbarian city with 4 units in it, not entirely clear why. Maybe fixed in patch n?
3617, fixed in 3620 CtD - A hidden settler was in the same square as an enemy unit. When it formed a city a violation error occurred. (Will be fixed in patch o)
3629, fixed in 3630 CtD - Rally violation error (fixed in patch n)
Python errors
3106 (for some reason, the screenshot here was deleted). Confirmed in 3109
3637 (see 3646) error in Order vs. Veil (fixed in patch o)
General Game Errors
Excessive religion switching by AI 3011, 3038, (save 3041) 3070, 3082, 3144, 3152, 3153, 3193, 3277, others.
3046 Mercurians with Empyrean researching Hidden Paths. 3156. Decius can research Hidden Paths even though he is Empyrean. Post 3233 shows the same error, that if you switch a religion you can still build the tech associated with the original religion if the tech had already been started. 3237 reports the same error
3114 Adepts not upgrading fast enough (unconfirmed). AI cities being built in jungle. Barbarian behavior unreliable.
3116, 3117, 3128 discussion of genesis, it appears Kael has fixed it in m. Discussion of how hell terrain will wipe out an ancient forest on tundra while not on a regular forest. Kael explains why this works, but possible fix by Denev. (Breunor I think)
3128 (refers to post 2867) If an Ira has Orthus Axe, then it gets +2 from killing a unit; while an Repentant Angel does not lose one if using Orthus Axe
3129, 3155, many others leader tags missing
3133- Denev reports certain plot counters likely not working as intended
3149 Stasis and the Amurite world spell cast together caused unusual effects
3150 Map script errors reported (specific ones) seem to occur because reported counters arent reset on regenerate map
3151 In post 2932, MC reiterated that unique features dont work on a flood plain. 3151 states mirror of heaven not working on a flood plain
3161, 3488 Dain the Caswallans favorite wonder is a Pagan Temple. (Will be fixed in patch o)
3175 Save attached, see 3185. Weird bug. The Malakim cant build lightbringers in a city connected to the capital. They can in unconnected cities! The bug is fixed by building a paladin, three were already out so the fourth had to be completed before the lightbringers could be built.
3216 Blight appears to have missed a city
3221 Sailors Dirge in an ice square
3251 For the horde still captures Disciples of Acheron. Other posts confirm.
3291 Units recruited by the Hippus getting both mithral and iron weapons!
3338, (patch k) #1 - Tooltip gives BtS information for Caste system; #20, Overcouncil isn't including all voters, resolutions not passing , can't trade techs even though trade is researched, tech trading and bartering is allowed (maybe a council resolution?)
3359, 3368, 3375 If a city isnt connected to the capital, it impacts the use of obsidian gates. Original post was patch K, but I confirmed it was the same in patch M. (See 3175 and 3185, for example)
3364 (many others, back from patch k) cant assign keys to a unit or stack
3379 Archery units are supposed to get combat 1 from events, doesnt happen
3416 The spell wonder is not passing on illusion/puppet status correctly
3434, 3463, 3467 Catapults reducing city defense after movement. It seems to happen on the first turn of a war against a civ with which you have open borders (not 100% sure here). The city defense reduction occurs well after the movement in terms of the AI turn
3462 AI giving up mana resources for free
3474 Hyborem is killed on the turn of summoning; it appears that Gela cant be picked up
3479 Another Harlequin bug (program fix provided by Sephi in 3498) (fixed in patch n)
3597 Workboats not forming into fishing boats
3635 Player not seeing lightning elementals (Breunor comment I think this is working properly)
Perhaps a Feature/AI Issues
3083 Casing destroy undead is not an automatic DoW if cast over players with whom not at war. 3137 Maelstorm also didnt start a war (Apparently, the rule is that if you cast these spells in your own border, they do not cause a war, so this probably isnt a bug)
3141 AI workers developing land outside of fat crosses apparently not to spread irrigation
3202, 3634 Second unit built from warrens doesnt get upgrade from shrine
3220 Hall of Mirrors always duplicates something (Breunor I not sure I understand this one)
3225 Fire elementals summoned by sons of inferno dont attack
3231 AI doesnt know how to use Seven Pines. In 3234 Emptiness explains this is a general issue, For instance the Amurites and Illians cant use Letum Frigus
3244, 3534, 3538 AI and automated workers will work over improvements. Further discussions, Emptiness points out this can be stopped with an option. Apparently this phenomenon happens in BtS
3260 Balseraphs dont build arenas. Note they can build mimics in one case so the AI may just think they arent important. Looks like this was fixed in patch n.
3265, 3266 Barbarians stop a turn before attacking
3265 Bears (and presumably other animals) will chase units. Once a chased unit is within a cultural border, the bear will sit and wait for the unit forever instead of moving on
3338 (patch k) - #3,4,9 - settler performing poorly; #6 Seeing another Civ from an ancient tower doesn't open up diplomacy; team play mechanics with the Kuriotates in particular not optimized; #21 Hill giants sometimes seem to act like animals and sometimes like beasts
3404 Worldbreak can destroy the palace.
3451 A treasure chest prevents a Civ from being destroyed if complete kills is used
3488 - Kandos Fir not expanding
3513 AI isnt producing enough culture to stop human from taking its lands
3516 (no save) Units losing metal promotions, apparently not from rust
3526 Letum Frigus and Ring of Carcer in the same square
3547 Doviello workers that upgrade to Beastmen keep the AI-Worker script
3586 Player asked to adopt Empyrean by the AI even though there are no Empyrean cities
3597 Foreign workers with open borders can chop down your forests
3597 Killing Barnaxus stops the Luchuirp from getting promotions for newly built units but doesnt remove them from existing golems
3610 (see 3617) CoE units are kicked out of an enemy territory on a DoW if they are sitting on a unit of the other power. This movement obviously stops a violation error but it isnt clear they should go all the way back to the border
3635 Divination is needed to get Life Mana which differs from the tower requirements
3638 After Natures Revolt is cast, barbarians changed into animals are still treated as barbarians in terms of interaction with leaders with the barbarian trait
Best wishes,