• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Compilation of female advisors - 3 by me, 3 by Taé Shala

For the three advisors I added:
Science - Zdenka Podkapova (not sure of her last name)
Domestic - Jez Bond
Culture - Tera Patrick (very easy to work out).
Er... I immediately recognized half of those girls... I must be browsing too much of you know what! ;)

Funny idea anyway :goodjob: Sure it's "sad" in some understanding of the word, but so what?
If that pic is really you Taé, I just wanted to say WOW! Like the advisors too. I prefer Elvis as Culture though.
Originally posted by Futumch
For the three advisors I added:
Science - Zdenka Podkapova (not sure of her last name)
Domestic - Jez Bond
Culture - Tera Patrick (very easy to work out).

Whose is the Buffy Tyler one then?
I can see that none of you guys is married... :lol:
I think that if i get to download these pics and use them in civ, i can kiss my PC goodbye... :rocket2:
Nevertheless, wonderful job!!! :goodjob:

To Taé Shala: as for the pic you posted, guess these guys can grab a snap shot of it and use it as their leader!!! :lol:
Originally posted by Stuck_As_a_Mac
Please, just tell us. You are commanding an audience of err, pardon the usage, horny men with google ready to go. Just tell us the names and we will be happy. REALLY happy.

hehehe, this is funny.

Finally, a cultural advisor I can respect! A black Sinead O' Connor wannabe doesn't work.
very nice work

I like the picture you posted of "yourself", but i doubt that you're the one and only, my favorite lovely and talented actress, Mila Jovovich.....

If you are, wow, let me immediately drop everything and come over for your autograph!!! -smile-
Originally posted by finegirl69
theyre prettier than i am! im jealous!

And everybody knows "how" they are !

Are you still jealous ? ;)

Strnage though, with a name such as finegirl 69 I could have (obviously mistakenly) guessed ....
and, lets try to look at it as not such a "casa des putas" as much as a "casa de mujeres de la noche" (thats sophomore spanish for ya"
wow 9 months without an post on this thread glad they fixed the labeling error in modfile library i have been looking for the six advisor thread manually and was going blind:crazyeye: . Finally downloaded the file and they look great.:love: I love science but even think the science adviser was an bit too well nerdy. And with the new war advisor the boys in the army know what they are fighting for. BTW my girlfriend saw the file and thinks it's hysterical (least that what she says:lol: ) She says if I can find or make an similar set for her with hunky guys she may finally play MP with me. well guess have to improve my modding skills unless someone knows of an full set link. After all all is is fair in Love and Civ.
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