Completely Dumb Ideas

An accurate HRE representation with every single duchy and city-state that can fit on the map having a representation as a separate civ, with each city placed a tile away from each other in the historical HRE area to make it possible.
Add a Cathar civilisation to the south of France with their own Christian denomination. They get less food from pastures (because they're not supposed to eat meat) and their religious victory requires world population to decrease for 50 consecutive turns (the material world was created by Satan, so bringing more people into it is bad).
Gnostic Religious Victory:
- Emanations: Have ten cities each with one type of Great People settled three times.
- Chaos Magick: Control three Hit Movies, three Hit Comic Books and three Hit Video Games.
- I'd Like To Speak To The Manager: Spawn or capture the Great Engineer "Gabriele Trovato" and the Great Artist "Leoreth".
From now on you shall address me as Demiurge
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