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[RD] Conducting a Survey for my Political Science Class


Challenging Fate
Nov 1, 2008
Albany, New York
I am conducting a survey!

It is for one of my political science classes that I am taking this semester. We have to create a survey, and then analyze and interpret the results. We had pretty free range in what topic we could pick, and how to administer the survey. I decided I wanted to do a survey on people's opinions on transgender public policy, and furthermore decided I would try a more worldwide flair by conducting the survey on CFC!

I have the survey set up so that you have to sign in to a google account to do the survey; it's there as a security precaution so dedicated people don't stuff the ballot with multiple votes. This is for a class so I would really like it if you guys took it seriously. However, I will not see the google accounts used to sign in, nor at any point do I even ask for usernames. This survey is completely anonymous. There is no way I could possibly track your answers to you, especially since I made all demographic questions optional in case you think that would be incriminating. So please, give your honest and sincere opinion on each question provided.

I will be shutting this survey down sometime around 7-8 PM EST on Sunday, in which I will then start interpreting the results, so sooner would be appreciated if you plan on taking it. Shouldn't take you longer than five to ten minutes. It's pretty short.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration :D
I do not currently have, nor have I ever or will I even have, a Google account.
I use an alternative engine to Google.
Down with multinational, corporate tyrants! :mad:
I responded. :)

The birth certificate question was an interesting one in particular.

Its an actual real issue trans people have to deal with in at least America. In order to change your gender on your government id, you need to change your birth certificate. To change your birth certificate, you need proof you underwent SRS. Since SRS nessecialry comes with sterilization, and not all trans people nessecairly want SRS, there is an argument to be have that the current policily of most states infringes on our reproductive rights.

Me? You couldn't pay me not to undergo SRS, so that's not my fight.
I'm not actually endorsing any position on this, but "cultural drivers" and "chemical environments" are both excluded by the "is it innate or a personal choice" question, both of which my bias tells me seems more likely than the answers provided.
lol@ the last question's bottom answer of the survey
I know it isn't really a meaningful option as it doesn't answer the question, but I'd love if I could've answered "It really doesn't matter, people should be allowed to choose or be as they choose or are" or something similar under the "innate or personal choice" question.
I'm not actually endorsing any position on this, but "cultural drivers" and "chemical environments" are both excluded by the "is it innate or a personal choice" question, both of which my bias tells me seems more likely than the answers provided.

I know it isn't really a meaningful option as it doesn't answer the question, but I'd love if I could've answered "It really doesn't matter, people should be allowed to choose or be as they choose or are" or something similar under the "innate or personal choice" question.

There is a reason I asked that question the way I did. Not going to say anything more.
The mix of "innate" and choice is also probably different from person to person.

Hence why it is on a ordinal scale ;)

Anyways, I need at least 30 responses in a little less than 24 hours. I have twenty. Anyone who is on the fence, I would really appreciate the input.
Anyways, I need at least 30 responses in a little less than 24 hours. I have twenty. Anyone who is on the fence, I would really appreciate the input.

Have you posted it on reddit yet? I know that there's a subreddit for getting academic surveys filled out.
Glad to help with this. Are you also a poli sci major? :smoke::coffee::hammer2: (these emojis describe how I experience political science)
Glad to help with this. Are you also a poli sci major? :smoke::coffee::hammer2: (these emojis describe how I experience political science)

Poli sci/history double major, yes

I like political science a lot. In many ways, it feels like applied history; a never ending test of how well you paid attention to historical trends and how they continue to effect us to the day. It also beats history in that there is a lot less writing lol.
I took the survey. Happy to help, especially since you helped me out in the past.
Yeah, the birth certificate question is tricky. I'm totally in favor of driver's license, etc., but are there potential issues with changing - in a sense - government history like that? Probably not but I don't know.
Survey answered.

I admit that I don't know anything about the US system for IDs so I said no to changing birth certificate.
This is kind of pointless. What could this sample (people on a game forum that are willing to do the survey) possibly tell you?
This is kind of pointless. What could this sample (people on a game forum that are willing to do the survey) possibly tell you?
If it's a class exercise, the point is just going to be showing that you know how to construct a survey and analyse the data. The sample isn't really important, because the conclusions you're drawing will refer exclusively to the sample. The topic is going to be down to a matter of personal preference, whatever helps the student construct a coherent survey.
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