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Confession time - what have you never done in this game that other people do routinely?


Oct 29, 2005
For those that play a lot.. what have you never done in the game that seems routine? I have a couple things, though I'm not positive about the second (maybe did it for city state quests)...

1) Never conquered a city state. Even when a civ I am at war with is a suzerain.

2) Never built a siege unit? This one is more iffy as I may have built a catapult for envoys in city state quests.

What have you never done in the game?
harvesting anything, besides stone in flat plains tiles.

governors. moving them around, especially. I just plop them in a conquered city or on some remote city and ignore them until there's sufficient loyalty. I just...don't care for them.

build balloons, whatever those two medic units are, later scouts (the ranger and the special ops?), and aircraft and aerodromes. again, just never had much use for them.
I'll take your 'never' to mean 'might have tried once, then never did it again' :goodjob:

- Harvest... I just don't do it (I DO see a nuance between chopping and harvesting)
- Calculate chop into overflow with civics
- Build a fighter. Why build this instead of bombers, when air unit are mainly for city attacks ?
- Use nukes. Honestly, Game is usually over by the time I've researched it and done the projects, if I even bother to do them
- Build any kind of anti-air units... because, well, the AI makes it so I never need them
- Build Entertainment districts. I do get some by warring, but I never build them. Mainly, luxuries are usually enough to deal with amenities. If not, Water parks are there.
- Finally, build canals. To be honest, that's not a PURE never... but it's more of a 'situation making building one useful' happening once every 25 games, so...

EDIT: Oh yeah,@SammyKhalifa reminded me... play any other speed than standard
I'm pretty routine on speed/size/disaster - I always play on normal, size as small or standard, and disasters at 3.

I virtually never attack a city-state. I will do it on extremely rare occasions, but I'd say I've probably only once in the last 6 months did explicitly declare war and attack a city-state because I wanted its terrain. I will also virtually almost liberate a CS if I capture it from an AI - kind of my peacekeeper nature :)

Other than the novelty, I don't believe I have ever used a Guru. Same with an air force - I can't remember anytime ever thinking "hey, this city is a good city, let's build an aerodrome to get my air force", the only times I build aerodromes is to get the inspirations or because I'm bored.

My only other "negative" I can think of would be that I essentially never ignore the civ I'm playing's abilities. So like, if I'm playing someone with a holy site bonus, I either restart the game or I play building holy sites.I'm sure others do, and sometimes that only ends up being a secondary part of the game, but I just can't play a civ and ignore a "bonus" that they're given.
I'm pretty routine on speed/size/disaster - I always play on normal, size as small or standard, and disasters at 3.

I virtually never attack a city-state. I will do it on extremely rare occasions, but I'd say I've probably only once in the last 6 months did explicitly declare war and attack a city-state because I wanted its terrain. I will also virtually almost liberate a CS if I capture it from an AI - kind of my peacekeeper nature :)

Other than the novelty, I don't believe I have ever used a Guru. Same with an air force - I can't remember anytime ever thinking "hey, this city is a good city, let's build an aerodrome to get my air force", the only times I build aerodromes is to get the inspirations or because I'm bored.

My only other "negative" I can think of would be that I essentially never ignore the civ I'm playing's abilities. So like, if I'm playing someone with a holy site bonus, I either restart the game or I play building holy sites.I'm sure others do, and sometimes that only ends up being a secondary part of the game, but I just can't play a civ and ignore a "bonus" that they're given.
yes. The whole point of civs having abilities is that you can leverage that ability for a unique game.
Never done but see others do routinely?

Play on a speed other than standard. I'm set in my ways and the game seems to have a nice flow on standard.

Claim Scotland is the best science civ in the game. On paper they have nice science bonuses, and I've seen highly regarded streamers say they're top tier, but have not seen them perform particularly well vs. other civs that simply go wider and ignore amenities. I don't doubt they're better than average in the space race, but can someone link me to a fast Deity science victory video series?
I wouldn't exactly say never, but I hardly ever chop or build Encampments.

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I never harvested a resource either.
exploits. I have never exploited bugs or bad game features. I also don't limit my city population (to me civilization means getting bigger and better).

edit: Another one. I also never build holy sites unless going for a religion. I know faith has it's uses, and if I get Earth goddess I do try to take advantage of it, but I don't bother with holy sites normally.
I'll take your 'never' to mean 'might have tried once, then never did it again' :goodjob:
- Use nukes. Honestly, Game is usually over by the time I've researched it and done the projects, if I even bother to do them

This prompts me a confession of what I did… I usually play peaceful or, at least, noble conqueror, so nukes are out of the picture but...

Playing Brazil for points/time victory (get the achievement and HoF medal…). Had plenty of time to build the nuke projects and some warheads as I had to do something in my cities while waiting time to pass. Then, even with all my spies on spaceport/Factory dissable missons, Tomyris snatches space victory on turn 499.

Went back to last save, declared surprise war and carpet nuked all her spaceport cities. I actually felt satisfaction by doing it…. but don't tell anyone :mischief:. (Yep, I got my turn 500 victory).

That was only once, I promise… :rolleyes:
This prompts me a confession of what I did… I usually play peaceful or, at least, noble conqueror, so nukes are out of the picture but...

Playing Brazil for points/time victory (get the achievement and HoF medal…). Had plenty of time to build the nuke projects and some warheads as I had to do something in my cities while waiting time to pass. Then, even with all my spies on spaceport/Factory dissable missons, Tomyris snatches space victory on turn 499.

Went back to last save, declared surprise war and carpet nuked all her spaceport cities. I actually felt satisfaction by doing it…. but don't tell anyone :mischief:. (Yep, I got my turn 500 victory).

That was only once, I promise… :rolleyes:

man... I would have been totally frustrated to get it snatched at turn 499 :lol:
Haven't used a nuke yet, and have never chopped. Once or twice I've harvested, but only if the resource was blocking a potential canal.
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