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Playing as Tamar against Genghis Khan. My military strenght was 500+ against Genghis 100. I`ve killed 2 of his armored horseman and one pikeman before advancing. I`ve just razed one of his cities and was planning to capture 3 of them on my northern border. What should have been a walkover ended up in a graveyard.
Genghis Khan put up a defence of 2 culverins in his walled cities. While being outteched by 4 techs (20 Genghis against 24 Tamar (human player) he beelined to an advanced military technology. One shotting my catapults/crossbowman or anything walking into its 2 tile range. (4 units were killed before making a screenshot)
I have not had such an emberrassing moment in the 800+ hours of playing civ 6. Also this was just on emperor difficulty. I did beat immortal countless times without much thought. This might have to do with the latest patch. In any case i underestimated the AI`s capability to hold of my attack. It would still be painfull if i focussed down just one city. As i would probably have lost up to 4-5 units while doing so.
Did you have simular experiences with the latest patch. (Or previous patches)
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