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Congrats firaxis (AI) you finally outsmarted me


Aug 15, 2010

Playing as Tamar against Genghis Khan. My military strenght was 500+ against Genghis 100. I`ve killed 2 of his armored horseman and one pikeman before advancing. I`ve just razed one of his cities and was planning to capture 3 of them on my northern border. What should have been a walkover ended up in a graveyard.

Genghis Khan put up a defence of 2 culverins in his walled cities. While being outteched by 4 techs (20 Genghis against 24 Tamar (human player) he beelined to an advanced military technology. One shotting my catapults/crossbowman or anything walking into its 2 tile range. (4 units were killed before making a screenshot)

I have not had such an emberrassing moment in the 800+ hours of playing civ 6. Also this was just on emperor difficulty. I did beat immortal countless times without much thought. This might have to do with the latest patch. In any case i underestimated the AI`s capability to hold of my attack. It would still be painfull if i focussed down just one city. As i would probably have lost up to 4-5 units while doing so.

Did you have simular experiences with the latest patch. (Or previous patches)
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Reports on here and reddit seem to be that combat a.i. has really improved with this patch. Great!
I have been playing with little sleep.
To me general combat is no different, city defence and use of Xbows has improved significantly though and it is in this area @RohirrimElf is feeling the pinch, literally. I lost a lotta units last night
I also had a nightmare game against Nubia where they took me to bits early but to be fair I was not playing safe.
Barbarians are also in good form even refusing to fight me at times.
I had a great time attaking Australia earlier tonight, it took quite a few turns to take down their city + encampments which were all now shooting (finally!... I have been complaining about this since the start). I was using 2 bombards a general, 4 field cannons, frigates and it still took time and had to pull back units.

... just not the same in open terrain. Tomyris was slaughtered... I had a level 3 skirmisher - now level 5!
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AI seems somewhat more focused in combat. I was up against Spain and DoW'd him without a proper army to stop his missionary spamming me. It worked, but he turned up with 4 archers, two warriors, two battering rams, a speaman and a little later a horseman joined the party. I did not lose my city, but I did lose several archers to his archers, that were really giving me pain.
Great thread. Often feel that we don't celebrate the AI's wins as much as we do their shortcomings. Even prior to patch I would run into the occasional game on Emperor to King where if I let an AI breathe too much they could make things difficult. If they have gotten better with the patch I may have to move back to King for my meandering games.
Yeah, definitely is much better when using ranged attacks.
With Krussia I was sneak attacked by Ghengis and he was as much of a chump as always. He couldn't understand his cities would protect his units from range strikes and his units died as they came at me one by one after the initial wave of 3.
I lost a walled city to a CS last night on Immortal. Was fighting a two front war (Shaka and Mathias) when they showed up at a third city. My single swordsman and walls couldn't stop their two catapults, two archers and two swordsman. I feel pretty confident I could have repelled them prepatch.

I've also noticed barbarians with catapults. I don't think I've seen that before. And I've definitely never had a barb catapult attack a city like they did yesterday.

Seems better to me so far. But this is based on a sample of one game so far.
I lost a walled city to a CS last night on Immortal. Was fighting a two front war (Shaka and Mathias) when they showed up at a third city. My single swordsman and walls couldn't stop their two catapults, two archers and two swordsman. I feel pretty confident I could have repelled them prepatch.

I've also noticed barbarians with catapults. I don't think I've seen that before. And I've definitely never had a barb catapult attack a city like they did yesterday.
Oh yes, catapults. That's actually a thing now. I also saw Monty apply catapults against walled Vilnius last night. Not just one, but systematically. But the trees don't grow into the sky overnight, he still failed to capture the city, because the city state had killed all his melee units (seriously, why is it still a thing, that a ranged unit can't capture a city once health is brought down to 0!?).
Well it's good that it is improved in combat. Maybe i will try a game again. But i would like to know how it is with diety difficulty and in modern eras. Anyone know?
If it is turn 234 and you only have 37 science per turn, no wonder why you'll be in such a situation.
They are clearly playing marathon and clearly enjoying themselves.
The point of the post is there has been no issue in the past and there is now playing marathon and having 37 science at T234 (effectively T80)
If every game the first thing you do is lay campuses then this is not so much of an issue but people get bored of that.
Embrace the thread and celebrate with all, the AI has improved.
But i would like to know how it is with diety difficulty and in modern eras
It was hard to say because by that time in the game you are often ahead by a fair amount. Tanked their troops and blew their walls with experienced artillery armies. It can be quite fast when ahead in the modern times. But certainly earlier the game was much more fun.
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Yeah they are using the ranged units much more. Still need some logic to say 'keep your ranged unit in your city if there are enemies on the outskirts, don't move it in range to shoot where it can be easily killed'. Or something like that. Had the AI move a crossbow out of the city to 'greet' me where it was taken out easily, when it could have sat in the city and probably done some serious damage.
If it is turn 234 and you only have 37 science per turn, no wonder why you'll be in such a situation.

This thread is not about my own playing strenght but the AI. If i cared about my own ego i would not have posted it :lol: played one difficulty below my usual difficulty on epic speed. The reason for the delay on tech was the fact that i saw an opportunity to spread my religion across the whole continent on this small 6 player map. Which i did with like 4 missionaries. I’ve build 3 holy sites before building the first of 2 campus. All the other founded religions (3 of them) were on another continent. So it seemed a golden oppertunity to take over the continent first.

As i said in my opening post. Tamar (me) was still leading by 4 techs against Genghis. So it was not like i was outteched. Just that the AI beelined to the perfect unit type for defence. This game is about testing the september patch (map type and AI) and have fun. Not play a perfect game of civ according to current civfanatics meta game.
Excuse me, but what are the culverins?? Their unique unit is Keshig. I see this icon and hear this name for the first time in civ 6 :)

It's a type of cannon. I assume he was referring to Bombards.
Excuse me, but what are the culverins?? Their unique unit is Keshig. I see this icon and hear this name for the first time in civ 6 :)

Warfare expanded mod. Not a spelling mistake. It is on the same tech as the musketman on this mod. 15th century cannon. 2 tile ranged unit. (i believe it is an upgrade to the crossbowman but not 100% sure).
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