Congress is (tentatively) officially a farce.

He took part in the program and I think he may have been instrumental in creating the program, if I remember correctly, so it seems appropriate for him to testify.

I mean unless you guys feel that these senate committee hearings are so useful and intellectual and held in high esteem... I mean we wouldn't want to soil the good name of these hearings which we all know always accomplish so much and really strike through to the heart of the issues.

/end sarcasm

edit: xpost with warpus who put it better than I did...
I am not opposed to him testifying if he has something to contribute, and I said as much in the OP. But to do it in character....well hell's bells man, let's get Borat in after him!
Wasn't as funny as he is on the show (tough crowd), but he was most definitely in character. He ended his 5 minute speech with, "I yield the balance of my time. USA... #1."


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Yeah I'd have to agree that doing comedy in an official hearing is pretty much a mockery of America. Just another form of demagoguery.

I agree with this.

And who's to say that Americans won't be working those jobs as their welfare checks run out?

Because they never do, and all you have to do is pretend to look for a job. Happens all the time. The Democrats want to keep it this way. That's why I support dismantling the entire welfare system and then letting the individual states rebuild what they need, rather than trying to "Reform" the nonsense we have now.
[Citation Needed]
No, but I don't believe that everyone on it is a cheat, nor that the Dem's are intentionally doing it, in some sort of clandestine plot that you sure frequently assure us of.
Wasn't as funny as he is on the show (tough crowd), but he was most definitely in character. He ended his 5 minute speech with, "I yield the balance of my time. USA... #1."
Wait, he DID testify in character??? :eek:

I feel sorry for you Americans. :(

On the other hand, I see a great new source of people to testify before the US congress:
- On Central-Asian issues: Borat
- On the special relationship with the UK: Mr. Bean
- On the rights of homosexuals: Bruno
- On illegal immigration: Zorro
- On "the war on Christmas": Jesus, Santa Claus
- On the situation in Iraq: Comical Ali
etc... :rolleyes:
No, but I don't believe that everyone on it is a cheat, nor that the Dem's are intentionally doing it

*Strawman alert* we are all aware there are honest people on welfare.

As for the Democrats "Doing it on purpose."

I don't think that they are saying:

"Oh, we are going to create the welfare system so people can spend their lives mooching off of it and robbing the honest workers of their money."

But I do think they would say something like:

"Wow, this person has been looking for a job for years. While there's a chance this person might be cheating, there is a chance that they are looking for a job so we should extend their benefits, even though it costs the honest money."

Or some such.

I believe the democrats are (At least as much as can be expected by a politician, as none of them are very honest) trying, but their methods are horrible.
You seriously believe they think like that? Is that what Fox-News told you to think?
Stephen Colbert is going to be testifying before Congress today. Now that in and of itself does not make it a farce. He might actually have some relevant stuff to impart to those morons. But... get this:

More on the issue...

Hope CNN is acceptable to the lefties here:

In character, before the legislative body of the greatest country in the world. It's shameful and hopefully the committee chairman will smack him down if he actually does testify 'in character'. Course, I have no faith that the Dems will do that, but miracles happen. So what do you guys think, should this kind of crap be tolerated?

Colbert stated that he is appearing as himself in his role with some Farm Organization, not as Colbert the personality.

EDIT: Apparently, he was serious for a bit, and his prepared testimony was quite serious on United Farm Workers. Then he went to his comedy.

Note that in the past, such notable characters as Elmo the Puppet have testified to Congress. If there was anything serious in testimony, it was gone awhile ago.

(unless you think elmo the puppet was a serious testimony)
And yet, JH, it turns out he appeared Stephan Colberr (silent T) character from his TV show after all. Sheesh.
Aren't people testifying before Congress required to tell the truth? I'm pretty sure if a comedian tried this stunt in Brazil he would be arrested for contempt and possibly perjury.
The truth can't be funny?
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