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Conquests of Might and Magic III


Oct 12, 2005

7-8-17: This Version is out of date. Click here to go to the new thread with the updated CoMM3 mod.

2-5-11: v1.0 of Official Non-Beta is now available!


This mod sometimes is referred to as CoMM3 (Conquests of Might and Magic III).

CoMM3 General Game Concepts:
This mod was built according to Heroes of Might and Magic III. It's primary focus is a builders' and battle game. All other victory conditions are possible except for Wonder Victory. The game is set to have a faster pace in the beginning. AI get's no settler bonus' at any difficulty, so harder difficulties should be entirely possible to win with planning and luck. This mod is also a builders' mod because it is not only important, but vital to having a chance of survival. Higher level creatures are auto-produced by city improvements only. A majority of improvements are available from game start; and uses an advanced improvement upgrade line. This makes it so you must acquire the prerequisites and resources to first to unlock the ability of certain buildings. Expect large battles, and never think you have too many troops (because it's often not the case!).

- Completely new interface
- Includes the 9 HoMM3 towns + an additional civ; the Neutral creatures (30 total playable civs)
- All buildings along the lines of Heroes of Might and Magic III
- New AI methods implemented including the AI aggressively using normal artillery (a Civ3 first!)
- Contains a vast amount of spell units and graphics from Heroes III, and new spell units custom made for this mod.
- Some spells make use of the charm ability in the game, which can be devastating to the enemy.
- Embark on the quest for the Grail and Armageddon's Blade
- Civilopedia is completely overhauled with a vast amount of information and links.
- 192 resources, all new except for 2 of them.
- Makes good use of auto-production so throughout the game you will encounter a huge variety of units.
- Is an excellent game for builders, which is required to improve your military strength.
- All implementations have been made so AI is compliant in using them.
- Each civilization is completely flavored, each with strengths and weaknesses.
- Obtain stronger units as both regular units and as special 'king' units. These 'king' units gain the unique trait of being protected by all regular units.
- Should you go down the path of Might? Or the path of Magic? Sticking to one path will make you strong in that area, but going down both will have benefits and consequences!

** To have the most Dynamic Active AI Artillery in the game, play with Raging Barbarians!


* Civ 3: Conquests v1.22 or Civ 3: Complete
* Mod Size: 895 MB
* Download Size: 553 MB


Installation Instructions:

Current Version: v1.00

Download the large file from one of the following locations:

Download the BIQ file below:


See this post for list of changes from v1.17 beta.

Beta v1.0: initial release. Removed after 24 downloads.
Beta v1.01 Removed after 83 downloads.
Beta v1.10 Removed after 236 downloads.
Beta v1.17 Removed after 327 downloads.

Official v1.0 Non-Beta released on 2-5-11


Once both of these files are downloaded, extract them into your Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios directory.
The path will look similar to the image shown below:
Spoiler :

Start Civ 3, click on 'Civ-Content' and select the ConquestsOfMightMagic3_V1.0.biq file.

The Antagarich Scenario map is next on the list to be completed. A wide array of Scenario's will be created also, including scenarios from Restoration of Erathia, The Shadow of Death, and Armageddon's Blade.

Any suggestions and comments are welcome to help improve CoMM3.

Graphics: Tom2050, Plotinus, embryodead, Kinboat, Kindred72, Aaglo, Yaniv, Kreyten, Aluminum, CamJH, CivGeneral, NavyDawg, Vuldacon, CivArmy s. 1994, Shirokobbure, Drift, Grandraem, Bebro, Orthanc, Jewmpaloompa, LizardmenRule!, utahjazz7, Dogmouse, Balam-Agab, capman, Kyriakos, Pounder, bluebox, Bjornlo, Wyrmshadow, Ares de Borg.
Appreciation to all whom have been of assistance with their assistance and ideas! This includes DFBATTLER, Eclipse4449, nick0515, General 666, Grandraem, Roland Ironfist, elenar, Wolfhart, Supa, Steph, Pounder, and all others.
Thanks to all that have playtested this mod and I hope you enjoy it!
Special thanks to Steph and the great work he has put into his editor, that has made possible what would have taken months longer to complete.

Last but not least, this mod is dedicated in honor to one of my all time favorite games, Heroes of Might and Magic III. If you like the mod, you should check out HoMM3, a turn based strategy classic!

If I have missed anyone, please let me know.
Last edited by a moderator:
Civilizations and Units


A huge variety of spells (converted from HoMM3) are also included, as well as many additional misc graphics.

Castle - Castles are home to the Cleric and Knight hero classes. Castle armies are primarily composed of human men-at-arms, though these towns have also formed an alliance with the griffins and are under the protection of angels. With two types of ranged attack units and two flying unit types available, Castle-based armies are well equipped to quickly engage and defeat their enemies.

Inferno - Inferno towns can be found in Erathian regions blighted by the emergence of the underworld on the surface. Demoniac and Heretic heroes stand in uneasy alliance with these towns. Inferno armies have great hand-to-hand attack units and are only slightly hampered at the lower levels by a lack of flying units until the awesome, teleporting devil and arch devil units can be brought into play.

Neutrals - Neutral creatures are those that reside in the land of Antagarich whom do not normally belong to a specific town type. The neutral town is the only town capable of building structures that will produce Level 8 and Level 10 creatures. They do not have any special town buildings or a grail structure, but can become a serious threat if left unchecked.

Dungeon - Dungeon towns are built by Warlock and Overlord hero types to act as bases from which to wage campaigns of conquest for wealth and power. Similarly minded creatures are attracted as allies. Other Dungeon creatures are in thrall to their masters. Dungeon armies are possessed of a variety of long range attacks, have effective damage dealing troops, and have the ability to greatly disrupt the strategies of their enemies.

Conflux - Conflux is the town of the Planeswalkers and Elemental Lords. Nobody knows why they have suddenly decided to appear in this world and assist the humans with Catherine Ironfist in the head to fight Kreegans invasion on Antagarich. The Elemental Lords didn't reveal their reasons, though their help was invaluable and happened to be the decisive factor in the final victory of the humans over the devilish aliens. It was in the war for the fable monstrous Armageddon's Blade that the first sightings of the strange Conflux towns have been reported.

Necropolis - Necropolis towns are overrun and ruled by undead creatures. They are natural bases for the Necromancer and Death Knight hero types. Necropolis armies have many units with abilities to weaken their opponents. One of their greatest strengths is the ability to amass countless numbers of skeletons. This quickly gives them an edge over equal or even more powerful enemy units.

Fortress - Fortress towns are built at the edge of swamps and are often used as bases by the Beastmaster and Witch hero classes. Their armies are primarily made up of deadly creatures--born of the swamps, and then subdued and trained for warfare. While among them there is only one ranged attack creature, Fortress units are possessed of many special abilities to offset this deficiency.

Tower - Wizards and Alchemists study their arcane craft in Towers. Tower populations are comprised creatures bound into service by powerful magic, made on the spot, or allied with the town through ancient pacts. Tower armies have uniformly good stats and some of the best range attack units available.

Rampart - The Druid and Ranger hero classes are native to Ramparts, which are built by creatures in allied defense of the unspoiled wilderness regions of Erathia. With two slow unit types, Dwarves and Dendroids, Rampart armies may be best suited to defensive tactics. Most of these creatures, however, have enemy hampering abilities that can be used to turn the tide against many opponents--especially those dependent on magical attacks.

Stronghold - Stronghold towns are built by alliances of tribes and are frequented by the Barbarian and Battle Mage hero types. Armies composed of Stronghold-based units have a balanced mix of ranged and hand-to-hand attackers. With the inclusion of the stronger units, these armies are particularly well-equipped to deal with attacks on other towns.
tom2050, congratulations to the beta of this mod. :clap::goodjob: I will download it soon. :)

That is how far I've gotten in 83 turns. Been building city improvements and doing a small amount of exploring. The borders are Pounder's Stockade Mark I in case you're wondering.

Caveats: The goblins are a bit over powered, I'd recommend an attack/defense of 2/2.
I'm also having trouble distinguishing units from certain terrains. Maybe de Borg's mountains instead of Womak's, or a touch of recoloring of Womak's mountains.

The days in this mod seem a bit long too. :)


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It's important to expand as quickly as possible in the beginning. It's also important to build roads where they are needed, as they add 2 gold on average which goes to treasury and/or research. The AI does expand aggressively, so unless you pump out settlers, you may fall a bit behind.

Stronghold (Krewlod) is strong on the attack, and weak on defense. Goblins aren't the strongest Level 1 creature in the game.
Centaurs are 5.3.2, Gnolls are 3.5.1, e.g... the difference is cost and how often they are auto-produced to help even the odds. The weakest Level 1 units are pixies (2.2.2) and Imps (2.3.1).

Roads and Cities will alone get the initial high tech times down to a 40 and less research times. Once settler stage ends, research times quickly plummet from what I've noticed, but keep me updated.

If you want a mega start and are lucky, you will start in the middle of some bags of endless gold, or never ending mercury vials.

I made Desert un-settlable sometime in the past few days, primarily to keep huge maps from having too many cities, and thus possibly having too-many units running around. I should add this to the initial information-box.

Do you mean the mountains look like the goblins? (Their colors are too similar)? ;)
Is there any way for the tower nation to build workers? The standard worker unit is disabled via placeholder resource requirement.... It's quite difficult to keep your empire running if you have just your starting worker unit.
NTL: It looks so much like HOMM3.. incredible. Have to return to my game now *g*
I started a game with Gavin Magnus and I'm up to 200 days already. The mod is amazing. I give you a 10/10 for immersion and fun. The background music is definitely a big plus. :)

Magic arrows are incredibly annoying, though -- they instantly destroy any type of earlygame attack against settlements. Catherine Ironheart should probably be Catherine Ironfist

But yeah I absolutely love the mod :)
Tom do you want a running report of questions, issues? Example: Scholar tech, the pedia talks about airfields? Nearly all techs in first age have the optional flag? Air Magic Level 1 is overlaided.
After 107 days of my last game I have this bit of advice for folks.

1. Don't build scouts. You have too great a chance of meeting raiding parties and losing the scout. Build combat units instead and let them go exploring.

2. Workers, lots of workers.

And a few of observations;

1. You'll get money fast. Lots of money.

2. Not enough contrast between certain terrain types and the units, makes it hard to distinguish the two.

3. Roads get washed out against desert.

That's my feedback for now. I'm starting a new game to try out building a lot of workers, so what follows is the sole screen capture for the last game.



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No, more like a little too dark. I find that workers tend to blend in a little too well.

I can see about making the terrain a bit more on the 'not so dark' side. I see what you mean, and have noticed it myself. Sometimes the units do blend in a bit.

Samez said:
Is there any way for the tower nation to build workers? The standard worker unit is disabled via placeholder resource requirement.... It's quite difficult to keep your empire running if you have just your starting worker unit.
NTL: It looks so much like HOMM3.. incredible. Have to return to my game now *g*

Congrats! First bug found! That should not be like that, I have uploaded a corrected BIQ file. The resource requirement should not be there.

Roland Ironfist said:
I started a game with Gavin Magnus and I'm up to 200 days already. The mod is amazing. I give you a 10/10 for immersion and fun. The background music is definitely a big plus.

Magic arrows are incredibly annoying, though -- they instantly destroy any type of earlygame attack against settlements. Catherine Ironheart should probably be Catherine Ironfist

Do you think the initial Magic Arrows are too powerful? The Palace auto-produces them, and they can be toned down a bit in strength. I have noticed myself they make barbarians not so worrisome since they can take them out pretty easily.

vxma said:
Tom do you want a running report of questions, issues? Example: Scholar tech, the pedia talks about airfields? Nearly all techs in first age have the optional flag? Air Magic Level 1 is overlaided.

Yes, if you see anything, let me know. I am still doing much on the civilopedia, but will take notes and fix all that is mentioned. I haven't put the arrows in yet on the tech tree, and still need to add some easy reference pages in the pedia so it is known exactly what is buildable.

The line is like this:
Creatures -> Level 1 (Lvl 1 Upgrade Optional)-> Level 2 (Lvl 2 Upgrade Optional)

Once you have research Level 2 creatures, you can choose between researching anything from Level 3 through Level 7 as you wish. Some civ's, such as Castle, require e.g. the Level 4 building to be built first, before you can build the Level 3 building (as it was in HoMM3).

I am making a running list, and will get these taken care of.

mythusmage said:
1. Don't build scouts. You have too great a chance of meeting raiding parties and losing the scout. Build combat units instead and let them go exploring.

2. Workers, lots of workers.

And a few of observations;

1. You'll get money fast. Lots of money.

2. Not enough contrast between certain terrain types and the units, makes it hard to distinguish the two.

3. Roads get washed out against desert.

That's my feedback for now. I'm starting a new game to try out building a lot of workers, so what follows is the sole screen capture for the last game.

About Scouts, they are most likely to turn up Non-Barbs in the very early game (must be hard-coded this way; seems like this is the case up until around turn 30 to 40), so getting them out very early can be a plus in the early game (they ignore all terrain cost, and have 3 speed). If you are careful, you can avoid barbs that emerge from the huts. They can discover Treasure resource from goody huts, which are a luxury resource, and let you build the marketplace, resource silo, and other structures for buildings within their radius.

About workers - Agreed!

Yes, money flows in fast, but units over the Allowed Number cost 3 gold per turn :eek:. This has helped keep AI from going crazy with units. Many times, you can disband weaker units and hold on to stronger ones. You can also disband unit-producing buildings to keep them from building weak units later in the game.
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