Louis XXIV
Le Roi Soleil
Originally posted by thestonesfan
If I remember correctly, the Phrygian territory would mostly overlap with the Hittites. I don't know anything about the Kassites, sorry.
The Kassites invaded Babylon from an unkown source and adopted their culture. No one knows where they came from, and the biggest change to Babylonian history they caused was a name change of the capital (IMHO). Since Babylonian culture remianed intact, I don't think of them as a seperate civ, but the same civ under a different name (even if the Amorites didn't own Babylon, the city was still the same city, the home of the god Marduk, chief god of Babylon).
I feel the same way about the Hyskos (although their contribution was giving the Egyptians the War Chariot and a new foreign policy).
A Spearman upgrade with Iron Working or a Swordsman alternate would be fine for the Assyrians, I'd think. But, we don't have one. I agree a horse archer would be the one for the Scythians, and the Keshik should fit that bill.
I think there is a Scythian Horse Archer that someone made.
While we're talking about them, I don't think Temujin is a good leaderhead for the Scythians.
If its any help, I think The Ancient Meditarainian used Montizuma at one point for the Scythian Leaderhead. (Not sure, though).
Back to the Dorians - I named them because I think we need a civ for that area. It was empty in my game. Starting location isn't all that important - they were there in history. Granted, they moved south and mingled with the native peoples, so they weren't really a 'civ' in and of themselves. I would be fine with using someone else for the area, but I'm not sure who else would work.
I'm sorry, I don't have any ideas. I know Mycenae is isolated right now, but maybe the Minoans would help balance it out.
I don't really mind not having graphically distinct UU's. The chances a unit creator will join in on the project is pretty slim, so we're probably going to have to make due with what we have. All the same, we could cook up a nice, concise list of the units we need most, and pitch it to Kinboat or utahjazz or someone.
The only units I didn't have the the list I made was the stone slinger (2 MesoAmercian Slingers were made, but no Middle Eastern one. I think 2 Mid-East ones are in the development phase, though (I think one is an Israeli one) ). The other unit I don't think there is graphics for is a Javelin (but I'm probably wrong on this). I think Kryten will eventually finish one based on a cut-and-paste of the Spearman (but I wouldn't expect that for at least a month). I tried to avoid units that couldn't be made, because it is very hard to get any unit you want made on a whim
I like your list, Louis. Maybe a little too many chariot units for my tastes(unless they are UU's), but it might be more fun that way.
Except for the proposal of an Early Chariot (which I think would be un-practical to do, unless we double the graphics with the regular), I have 3 Chariots. One is a generic chariot, the other 2 are uus (Egypt gets the War Chariot, Hittites get the 3-Man, just like in the original scenario and the main game).
As for Bronze vs Tin, I still like Bronze, in spite of any historical innacuracies. Tin doesn't seem as special, doesn't give the impression as being as cool, and feels a little weird to get "Tin" from "Bronze Working". The Collosus would be Bronze (needing Bronze), not Tin. However, in the end, I guess I'm not picky. I think making Copper a bonus (possibly even a luxury) resource isn't a bad idea.