Constitutional Amendments - Hindsight is 20/20

Octavian X

is not a pipe.
Jan 11, 2002
deceiving people with images
I was just thinking about some things that could be changed now that I look back. A few things came to my mind...

A. A constiutional monarchy?
As we all know, our nation is led by the President. Why not, for the sake of roleplay, set up someone to be Emperor? We are China, after all. I think that this Emperor would be best a NPC, so we can write him into our propoganda, official deals, and whatnot. Also, we don't tell foreigners our Emperor is an NPC. Just for the hell of it.
Our 'emperor' would be part of a preamble, rather than an article itself.

B. Rethink treaty ratification?
The process I wrote out in Article O is much too cumbersome to be useful. While democratic, it only hurts diplomats in foreign negotiations, which is the cause of headaches for many a foreign dignitary.
I propose that the entire article be replaced with a simpler one.
'Treaties with foreign nations may only be signed and accepted by ambassadors with appropriate jurisdiction. However, it is preferred that the opinions of the people be taken into better account with the use of Congressional / Executive Council votes to ratify treaties.'

Thoughts? Comments? Additional proposals?

For treaties and such, we could try something similar to current day "fast-track" authority. The ambassador negotiates with a country, and keeps everyone informed, if possible. During this time, feedback and information is solicited from everyone.

Once the deal is agreed by the ambassadors, it is presented as an up or down poll - no modifications, no changes. Do you agree to the entire deal or not.

Ambassadors can present offers to other countries under this new format, giving their offer significant weight.

-- Ravensfire
i'd hardly say this is hindsight. More like an idea for the future.

I'm mixed on the Idea at this time.
Democracies are not meant to be efficient. Streamlining the process required for ratification of treaties only increases the chance that we become bound to a treaty that is not in our best interests. I am against any action that allows for making deals in the "heat of the moment" rather than after surviving the discussion/polling process we currently have in place.
I think all treaties must be voted on by the populace.
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