President of the United States
"We're moving to Oak Grove" they said...whatever the reason your family pulled up stakes, it certainly wasn't good enough. Calling this town a cesspit is unfair to cesspits. Crime is rampant, the kids at your high school are mean at best, and the teachers are every bit as foul. Your fondest wish for the last months has been to go back to the place you can't help thinking of as home, no matter what your family says.
Then the Letter. Bearing the symbol of an oak tree, it addressed you by name and told you to visit the Grove Oak at the center of town at a specific date and time(no surprise, it was midnight...why is it always midnight?). Against your better judgment, you went. Maybe you knew the others you met there at the Grove Oak, or maybe they were strangers to you. That part's not important.
What's important is that while you were there, something happened. Something that gave you superpowers...
Yes, this is a superhero AC. Some things never change.
The character sheet is relatively simple(Ah! The dreaded S-word!).
Name: Your character's RL name.
Codename: Oh, we're using our made-up names? This is your superhero title. Bear in mind that we are beginning the game with the Event that gives you powers, so showing the origin of your title in your character's behavior is possible. This also means you will NOT have your superhuman abilities in the very beginning, though I hope to move through the Event fairly quickly.
Level: Starts at 1. You gain a level for every mission you attend, not via XP(we don't do that here). Why have levels at all, then? It's an easy way to keep track of how many additional stat points and feats you should have.
HP: You start with 10HP, plus 2 for every point of CON. 0HP equals incapacitation.
Stats: You begin with 5 points in each stat, plus four. Every even-numbered level, you gain +1. You cannot increase a stat past 10 pre-Feats, or go below 1.
-STR: Strength. Governs Melee hit chance and damage.
-CON: Constitution. Governs Melee block chance.
-DEX: Dexterity. Governs Ranged hit chance and dodge chance.
-INT: Intelligence. Governs power hit chance and dodge chance.
-WIS: Wisdom. Governs ranged damage.
-CHA: Charisma. Governs power damage.
Feats: You begin the game with 2. Every odd-numbered level, you gain +1. Custom Feats are allowed.
Bio: This is where you add in your description, your life story, etc. Who is your character? You don't have to give the whole truth if there are some elements you want to keep hidden, even to me(unless there are things I can do based on that knowledge) but here's your chance to outline who you are. Why did you go to the Grove Oak?
Due to the nature of the game, I require that all characters have some degree of superpower, even if it's very subtle(I would accept a character with a very high stat claiming their power is an explanation for how their stat got to be as high as it is, for example.)
I think that's it. We'll run in LHACchat on Thursdays, at 5PM EST, unless anyone objects(that time is negotiable). Hope to see you there!
Then the Letter. Bearing the symbol of an oak tree, it addressed you by name and told you to visit the Grove Oak at the center of town at a specific date and time(no surprise, it was midnight...why is it always midnight?). Against your better judgment, you went. Maybe you knew the others you met there at the Grove Oak, or maybe they were strangers to you. That part's not important.
What's important is that while you were there, something happened. Something that gave you superpowers...
Yes, this is a superhero AC. Some things never change.
The character sheet is relatively simple(Ah! The dreaded S-word!).
Name: Your character's RL name.
Codename: Oh, we're using our made-up names? This is your superhero title. Bear in mind that we are beginning the game with the Event that gives you powers, so showing the origin of your title in your character's behavior is possible. This also means you will NOT have your superhuman abilities in the very beginning, though I hope to move through the Event fairly quickly.
Level: Starts at 1. You gain a level for every mission you attend, not via XP(we don't do that here). Why have levels at all, then? It's an easy way to keep track of how many additional stat points and feats you should have.
HP: You start with 10HP, plus 2 for every point of CON. 0HP equals incapacitation.
Stats: You begin with 5 points in each stat, plus four. Every even-numbered level, you gain +1. You cannot increase a stat past 10 pre-Feats, or go below 1.
-STR: Strength. Governs Melee hit chance and damage.
-CON: Constitution. Governs Melee block chance.
-DEX: Dexterity. Governs Ranged hit chance and dodge chance.
-INT: Intelligence. Governs power hit chance and dodge chance.
-WIS: Wisdom. Governs ranged damage.
-CHA: Charisma. Governs power damage.
Feats: You begin the game with 2. Every odd-numbered level, you gain +1. Custom Feats are allowed.
Spoiler :
Training Montage: Nice and simple, you get +1 to a stat of your choice. Can be taken multiple times.
Super Strength: +2 STR
Swift: +2 DEX
Unbreakable: +2 CON
Genius: +2 INT
Wise Beyond Your Years: +2 WIS
Silver Tongue: +2 CHA
Phlebotinum Barrier: Gain the ability to generate defensive barriers and shields. CANNOT be intentionally used offensively.
Training From Hell: +3 to all melee combat rolls(defenses, attacks, damage.)
Phlebotinum Projectile: Gain a ranged attack of your choice. Power is modified by INT. Weapon by DEX.
Sleight of Hand: +3 to all lockpicking, pickpocketing, etc.
Keen Eye: +3 to all perception rolls(spot, search, listening, etc).
Wonderful Toys: Gadgets! Number to be determined based on gameplay balance, but three is a good number. Negotiated with GM.
Marksman's Eye: +3 to all ranged combat rolls(defenses, attacks, damage.)
I Am The Voice: +3 to all social rolls.
Diviner: Gain the ability to see things: things that are, things that were, and some things that have not yet come to pass. CHA.
Healing Hands: Now you can heal allies! Or enemies, if that's your thing. Modified by WIS.
Sorcerer Supreme: +3 to all magic/power rolls(defenses, attacks, damage.)
Empath: Modified by CHA. Gain the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others just by touching them.
Up, Up, and Away!: Gain the ability to fly!
Significant Sense: Modified by CHA. You'll sometimes get hints on plot direction from the GM, in addition to a +1 boost to all defensive rolls.
Fortune Favored: Once per session or in-game day, whichever comes first, gain the ability to declare any one action a guaranteed critical success.
Super Strength: +2 STR
Swift: +2 DEX
Unbreakable: +2 CON
Genius: +2 INT
Wise Beyond Your Years: +2 WIS
Silver Tongue: +2 CHA
Phlebotinum Barrier: Gain the ability to generate defensive barriers and shields. CANNOT be intentionally used offensively.
Training From Hell: +3 to all melee combat rolls(defenses, attacks, damage.)
Phlebotinum Projectile: Gain a ranged attack of your choice. Power is modified by INT. Weapon by DEX.
Sleight of Hand: +3 to all lockpicking, pickpocketing, etc.
Keen Eye: +3 to all perception rolls(spot, search, listening, etc).
Wonderful Toys: Gadgets! Number to be determined based on gameplay balance, but three is a good number. Negotiated with GM.
Marksman's Eye: +3 to all ranged combat rolls(defenses, attacks, damage.)
I Am The Voice: +3 to all social rolls.
Diviner: Gain the ability to see things: things that are, things that were, and some things that have not yet come to pass. CHA.
Healing Hands: Now you can heal allies! Or enemies, if that's your thing. Modified by WIS.
Sorcerer Supreme: +3 to all magic/power rolls(defenses, attacks, damage.)
Empath: Modified by CHA. Gain the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others just by touching them.
Up, Up, and Away!: Gain the ability to fly!
Significant Sense: Modified by CHA. You'll sometimes get hints on plot direction from the GM, in addition to a +1 boost to all defensive rolls.
Fortune Favored: Once per session or in-game day, whichever comes first, gain the ability to declare any one action a guaranteed critical success.
Bio: This is where you add in your description, your life story, etc. Who is your character? You don't have to give the whole truth if there are some elements you want to keep hidden, even to me(unless there are things I can do based on that knowledge) but here's your chance to outline who you are. Why did you go to the Grove Oak?
Due to the nature of the game, I require that all characters have some degree of superpower, even if it's very subtle(I would accept a character with a very high stat claiming their power is an explanation for how their stat got to be as high as it is, for example.)
I think that's it. We'll run in LHACchat on Thursdays, at 5PM EST, unless anyone objects(that time is negotiable). Hope to see you there!
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