Converting human fat to fuel


Jokerfied Western Male
Apr 25, 2006
Sounds like something the nazis would have tried, but a cosmetic surgeon from beverly hills claims he was coverting his patients' fat into "lipodiesel" to power his car.
Read the full article here.

Is this the final solution of the obesity question ?
Liposuction is the cheater's solution to obesity. Though once it's out, might as well find a good use for it. Personally, I prefer soap.
SOunds nice, but he is most likely a liar. You have to render down the fats into oil and you get alot of gunky byproducts, finally a gallon of oil would not be convertible into a gallon of biodiesel by the usual transesterification process. I have done it before, although not using human fat.
About a thousandth of the promise shown by using french fry oil.
i would imagine this would be very inefficient
It takes 10 calories of energy to create one calorie of food not to mention the inefficient conversion of food to fat so I doubt this will become any large scale energy source
It takes 10 calories of energy to create one calorie of food not to mention the inefficient conversion of food to fat so I doubt this will become any large scale energy source

Not a large scale energy source, more a means of recycling energy.
"It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people."
So when fat people say that they are useful to society, they are actually telling the truth???
Not a large scale energy source, more a means of recycling energy.
"It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people."

Are you proposing harvesting fat from cadavers? There's a new ethical debate...
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