Cool Pictures IX: duuude dude dude i'm like totally tripping

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It's close to 30,000 years old, so I give it a little bit of credit.
That is pretty grizzly.
The "Venus" of Willendorf.

Scary :/ A bit like those 'mother of stone'/'mother of the mountain' things, from the hittite era. I find it ominous :)
That may have been the intention. I think moderns have the assumption of assuming that female divinities are always intended to be physically attractive, and if we find one of any size, well, the sculptor was just into big girls. The idea that there may have been some sort of authority or even menace imbued in the statue never occurs to us, even though it springs naturally when observing some doofy stag-man in his jimmy-jams.
1) Would you believe that that was actually an accident?
2) Jokes about bears start off worse and then get wursa.
That may have been the intention. I think moderns have the assumption of assuming that female divinities are always intended to be physically attractive, and if we find one of any size, well, the sculptor was just into big girls. The idea that there may have been some sort of authority or even menace imbued in the statue never occurs to us, even though it springs naturally when observing some doofy stag-man in his jimmy-jams.

Actually, i think it is likely they meant it to be ominous. Which is all the more uncanny :) The title itself - despite not being the original hittite - is pretty scary as well; "mother of the mountain" or "mother of stone" etc. Afaik all those later on got fused to the Cybele cult.
That's the biggest fail of communism, it feeds a family of roughly 4 (the family of the leader), while everybody else starves.
The 1912- dreadnaught-ish armored cruiser Averof (it has been a floating museum for a while now) arriving here yesterday, for some touristy reason. It was very important in securing victory in the first balkan war.

The Averof should do a world tour and Visit the Russian cruiser Aurora, the USS Olympia and the Mikasa.
Cycladic islands statuette, the double-flute (diaulos) player, from circa 2500 BC or older:

You can also see it as someone eating some smaller creature, and currently tasting the legs. /Attack on cycladic titan
It looks like someone using binoculars. :p
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