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Coolest possible place to live: your suggestions


I was kittenOFchaos
Jan 6, 2001
Brighouse, England
Well, we have an ugliest city thread running, time for a coolest possible place to live inspired by this article on BBC News saying that Saturns rings have their own atmosphere. Even more cool, that atmosphere is largely oxygen :)


Well, you'd have to say a house on one of the larger rings of Saturn would have to be up there, next to nirvana for a place to live - far from the rat-race too. What suggestions do you people have?

P.S All hail the European Cassini spacecraft for this interesting find! :yeah:


It may be pathetic, but I would rather live here...


stormbind said:
It may be pathetic, but I would rather live here...



Hardly comes under "possible" ;)
kittenOFchaos said:
Hardly comes under "possible" ;)
Perhaps not right now, but some day, someone have the option of assembling a fully-functional replica :)
kittenOFchaos said:
Well, we have an ugliest city thread running, time for a coolest possible place to live inspired by this article on BBC News saying that Saturns rings have their own atmosphere. Even more cool, that atmosphere is largely oxygen :)


Well, you'd have to say a house on one of the larger rings of Saturn would have to be up there, next to nirvana for a place to live - far from the rat-race too. What suggestions do you people have?

P.S All hail the European Cassini spacecraft for this interesting find! :yeah:
Yea, nice, but can you imagine commuting every day through space? And you think rush hour traffic takes a long time, and i wont even get started about the post service...
Anyway, id rather go for the moon (titan i think) that apparently is the closest thing to earth in the solar system in terms of surviving on. Can you imagine the view every morning when you see jupiter fill the entire sky?
Another cool place to live that only just loses out to space is in Sharapova's (sex russian tennis chick) bed. preferably with sharapova of course. :goodjob:
Anywhere on the Outer Banx of North Carolina. Specifically Nags Head, NC, but anywhere near there would be great. Awesome beaches and lots of stuff to do. Only bad thing is over the past 5-6 years it has BOOOMED in popularity so lots of tourists now and lots of big buildings..
In the seventies, man.
To tell you the truth, I'm quite happy right now in my castle on my hill overlooking the scenic valley. ;)
Moss said:
To tell you the truth, I'm quite happy right now in my castle on my hill overlooking the scenic valley. ;)
You won't be too happy after the torrential rains and subsequent landslide that's gonna hit you in april 2007.
Moss said:
To tell you the truth, I'm quite happy right now in my castle on my hill overlooking the scenic valley. ;)
To assume this is sarcasm would be to admit I am jealous of the possibility. Am I jealous? :confused:

Perfection, have you seen anywhere you would want to live in England? :)
If I had the capacity to learn languages, specifically Japanese, I would stay in Okinawa. I was originally upset when the Army decided to send me here, but it is by far the best place I've lived in the world. A house overlooking both the East China Sea AND the Pacific Ocean would absolutely cool.
stormbind said:
Perfection, have you seen anywhere you would want to live in England? :)
Eh, Buckingham Palace would make a decent summer cabin for the early stages of my worldwide rule before the great transformation.
I hear Costa Rica is pretty nice, and Portland, Oregon as well... I have to travel more before I decide for definite.
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