Copter Drone

May 22, 2020
A copy and paste job of a copter drone for bombing. These have grown to be a very important component of modern warfare. These are now the most common ground attack aerial drones, not the larger and more expensive fixed winged ones like the Predator, Reaper, Searcher and Bayraktar that we have graphics of. I used Delta Strife and Wyrmshadow parts.


  • Copter Drone.rar
    Copter Drone.rar
    38.8 KB · Views: 19
  • Screenshot (149).png
    Screenshot (149).png
    255.8 KB · Views: 41
It's pretty wild to see a unit in Civilization III of something that wasn't even a concept when Civ 3 was released 23 years ago! I'd gave it a relatively low production cost, A short range (maybe 3 or 4 tiles?), decent bombard that's lethal to land units, rate of fire 1, minus 2 hp, and require no resources. Great to see!
A drone AND Goldflash in one thread? What's not to like?
Great for, heck, scenarios about Ukraine or the Middle East, very unique
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