Corporation Idea!


Mar 16, 2007
Final Frontier Listening: House
This might be a real good change but it may alter the gameplay too much, so Firaxis people should not adopt in unreleased patches, although if a modder can change it, we'll be very grateful.

Imagine you're playing in a map made by the generator, and there is no single plot of rice in that map; so if it was real, no one know what rice is and what is it good for; and when you arrive at corporations, you want to have Cereal Mills for your people have an healthy break-fast, imagine also you are avoiding fossil fuel (like oil) to preserve the environment and because even if you wanted oil, you would have to buy it from neighbors, and no one i'll sell it, so you also try to found Standard Ethanol Inc;

you got lucky and found both, but when you try to put them in the same city... you found out it's impossible, because they both compete for rice... but there is no rice in that map (and its the only resource they compete and both have others surplus resources)!!!:crazyeye:

You see, (in the game) people can't eat Cereals and go to work in a low-consumption cars... which is strongly inaccurate in real life!

So, my idea is that corps. can coexist in a city even if they both require the same resources (for example rice!), but they'll be divided in different categories (and same category corp. in the city is now impossible):
  • :food: Corps. (GM)
  • :hammers: Corps. (GE)
  • :culture: Corps. (GA)
  • :science: Corps. (GS)
  • :commerce: Corps. (GM)
More Corps. should be available, since they should compete less and in next patch they'll won't have such maintenance, you can also increase the limit corp. executives to 5

(Firaxis should change their names, i'm not very creative!); For example:
  • Fast-Food Inc (:food:, with Refrigeration) gave 0,8 :food:, 0,35 :), 0,6 :yuck: per resource consumed (cow, pig, wheat, potatoes(BTW, potatoes should be in))
  • Civil Construction Co (:hammers:, with Assembly Line) gave 1,5 :hammers:, 0,1 *culture*, 0,15 :yuck: per resource consumed (stone, marble, iron, copper, aluminum)
  • Loan-Company (:commerce:, with Banking) (couldn't get a better name... (if it looks like a bad corp. just give them different resources and a better name!)) gave 4 :commerce:, 1,5 :gold:, 0,35 *unhappiness* per resource consumed (gold, silver, gems)
  • Space Exploration Co (:science:, with Satellites) gave 6 :science:, 0,2 :gp: GS, 1,5 *EP* and 0,25 :) per resource consumed (aluminum, oil, copper, iron)
  • And many other... please post ideas!
now, they should pay YOU to create a Corp. in a City (and vice-versa)(The Corps. adviser should be improved to block some nations Corp. (Limited Civ Blockade (and -2 relations with leader) and Free Market disables this option) and to adjust the gold they pay you when they create a Corp. in your city (+1 relations if cheap, -1 if expensive) (and they did the same to you )); pay more if the city as a lot of resources and the maximum that could be pay about 1000 gold)

*See the spoiler!*

Spoiler :
Stupid limited images per post... 20 smileys is nothing in such big post, where i could use the *culture icon* instead of tipping culture!!! (*MAD smiley*!! (I can't really use it, because i've reach the limit!!!))

So, what do you think?
1) there's a forum for suggestions, although to be fair there is none for BTS

2) That would be really flavorless. "Food Corp", "Science Corp", etc...Yeah. I prefer the way it is now. It makes more sense, and it's less gamey.
Nuclear Power inc. +5 Hammers per Uranium and Aluminium. Provides power. +10 science per Uram and Alum. +5 GS. +50% Spaceship construction. Comes with Fusion.
Aluminium? Where does that come into the Nuclear Process?

Although I don't agree with those changes, I do agree that it'd be good to have some more corporations.
Nuclear Power inc. +5 Hammers per Uranium and Aluminium. Provides power. +10 science per Uram and Alum. +5 GS. +50% Spaceship construction. Comes with Fusion.

that much intelligent post! ;)

+ 5GS seems to much, 0,15 :gp: GS sounds fine to me; if 5 GPP, some Wonders would have less GPP than a Corp.!

If anyone has any more ideas, please post them!

EDIT: Triple Cross-Post!!!
To Firaxis or Modders:

The GP system is to make Modern Era more "Great", because at this point of the game, even old GP farms are now "sterile", and gets boring having 80 turns with only one GP (normal speed)
I didn't mean that per resource consumed.

How about 2 GS per resource.

And remember it comes with Fusion so it will be very late in the game.

Although i think Space Exploration Co should give more GS Points than the Nuclear Power Inc, but Nuclear Power Inc requires less resources, so i think it is just great!

(NP Inc should be only +15% SS Production, and should need Nuclear Power Plant, so it shouldn't give Power, since they Plant also provides it)
Luxury importers.

+1 health per silk, spices, sugar, incense.
+ 2 gold per " " "
+1 GM per " " "
+1 trade routes

Requires Astronmy, banking and corporation.

A bit like Trading company in Rhye's

(Does Corporation require banking? I think it does.)

Just a thought. What about Unique Corporations?

Unique Corps. NO!

so if you spread (for example) the American Corp. to the Mayas, they'll have access to American Fast-Food (the most likely unique corp. for the Americans!)

I'll prefer seeing two UU (double UU, an interesting feature...) than the UC

Corporation requires Economics that require Banking

Don't forget to tell which kind of corp. that is, it should be :commerce:

Please don't forget to say that to make modders life easier!
I think if you're going to add more corporations, they ought to be based around the resources that currently don't affect any (and hence it's pointless to have multiple copies of). At the moment that's all the plantation resources, pigs, cows, sheep, deer, whales, ivory and furs. The last three might cause some problems due to late game obsolescence, but there seems no reason not to boost plantation and animal resources.

There's also the three "hit" resources, but given the way they're produced with one civ getting all of one type, there could be problems putting a corporation to them.
I think if you're going to add more corporations, they ought to be based around the resources that currently don't affect any (and hence it's pointless to have multiple copies of). At the moment that's all the plantation resources, pigs, cows, sheep, deer, whales, ivory and furs. The last three might cause some problems due to late game obsolescence, but there seems no reason not to boost plantation and animal resources.

I totally agree about the resources, potatoes was a great idea and a fast food corp, in earlier versions of Civilization Coffee was also a resource and is a huge commodity traded today... Civ Cafe? a thought.
I totally agree about the resources, potatoes was a great idea and a fast food corp, in earlier versions of Civilization Coffee was also a resource and is a huge commodity traded today... Civ Cafe? a thought.

Civ Cafe? Sounds great!

More a :commerce: than a :food: corp. though

EDIT: Welcome to the forums, justinian999 [party] :band:
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