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Mr Historical

May 16, 2008
Great Britain
I thought this might be interstng.....
starting off
One of the major car companies could be an option (doesn't have to be American)
I think that some kind of weaponry could be made accessible by coorporations representing three main world arms: sellers US, Russia(Rosoboroneksport?), and France
^^^ And Britain as well (not thats anything to be particulary proud about :p)
Here are the top 10 world corporations, though they are mostly oil companies.

Spoiler :
1. Wal-Mart Stores
Global 500 rank: 1 (Previous rank: 2)
2006 Revenues (millions): $351,139
Headquarters: Bentonville, AR
Country: U.S.
Get quote: WMT

2. Exxon Mobil
Global 500 rank: 2 (Previous rank: 1)
2006 Revenues (millions): $347,254
Headquarters: Irving, TX
Country: U.S.
Get quote: XOM

3. Royal Dutch Shell
Global 500 rank: 3 (Previous rank: 3)
2006 Revenues (millions): $318,845
Headquarters: The Hague
Country: Netherlands
Get quote: RDSA

4. BP
Global 500 rank: 4 (Previous rank: 4)
2006 Revenues (millions): $274,316
Headquarters: London
Country: Britain
Get quote: BP

5. General Motors
Global 500 rank: 5 (Previous rank: 5)
2006 Revenues (millions): $207,349
Headquarters: Detroit, MI
Country: U.S.
Get quote: GM

6. Toyota Motor
Global 500 rank: 6 (Previous rank: 8)
2006 Revenues (millions): $204,746
Headquarters: Toyota
Country: Japan
Get quote: TM

7. Chevron
Global 500 rank: 7 (Previous rank: 6)
2006 Revenues (millions): $200,567
Headquarters: San Ramon, CA
Country: U.S.
Get quote: CVX

8. DaimlerChrysler
Global 500 rank: 8 (Previous rank: 7)
2006 Revenues (millions): $190,191
Headquarters: Stuttgart
Country: Germany
Get quote: DCX

9. ConocoPhillips
Global 500 rank: 9 (Previous rank: 10)
2006 Revenues (millions): $172,451
Headquarters: Houston, TX
Country: U.S.
Get quote: COP

10. Total
Global 500 rank: 10 (Previous rank: 12)
2006 Revenues (millions): $168,357
Headquarters: Courbevoie
Country: France
Get quote: TOT
I like the idea and I like the lists, but we need one company for ever subject:

1. Electronics - Microsoft :badcomp:
2. General Goods - Wal-Mart :king:
3. Foods - ?
4. Construction - ?
5. Military - PMC of some sort :espionage:
6. Transportation/vehicles - Toyota Motor?
7. Oil and Fuels - Shell?

They all should make money regardless of where they are but to gain good profit they need the right location or resource. Microsoft makes money in developed and rich cities; Wal-Mart needs both poor and middle class cities to earn money; the food company makes money with wheat, rice, ect... anything that grows; Construction companies make lots of money in undeveloped cities and, if there is a trade rout can produce an artificial production if the land around the city is undeveloped; PMCs makes money from revolting cities, unhappy cities and cites in a country at war; the transportation company works with the oil and fuel company and both make money from big rich cities with lots of routes near by and require oil.
Right, media, I forgot. So eight corporations? If anyone has specific companies or other subjects please say something. BTW a mining corp goes under fuels and construction.
Yeah, but we don't want to many US corps so i would suggest a foreign media corp like the BBC (not that i am biased having worked for them :mischief:)
Yeah, but we don't want to many US corps so i would suggest a foreign media corp like the BBC (not that i am biased having worked for them :mischief:)

I agree, I would suggest:
US- 2 N. America
Walmart (Goods)
Microsoft (Technology)

Japan- 1 Far East Asia
Toyota (Transportation)

UK- 1 Europe
BBC (Media)

Saudi Arabia - 1 Middle East
Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Energy)

South Africa- 1 Africa
Standard Bank Group (?Banking?)

Brazil- 1 S. America
Cosan Industria (Agriculture/Biofuels)

Tough one for Africa, it is the Continents largest corporation. Maybe a Diamond (Gems) company would fit better?
I agree, I would suggest:
US- 2 N. America
Walmart (Goods)
Microsoft (Technology)

Japan- 1 Far East Asia
Toyota (Transportation)

UK- 1 Europe
BBC (Media)

Saudi Arabia - 1 Middle East
Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Energy)

South Africa- 1 Africa
Standard Bank Group (?Banking?)

Brazil- 1 S. America
Cosan Industria (Agriculture/Biofuels)

Tough one for Africa, it is the Continents largest corporation. Maybe a Diamond (Gems) company would fit better?

Sounds good,but we need a way to show the imporatance of energy supplies
and their effect on diplomacy.Any Ideas?
Well, you could have some kind of relationship modifier that said "You have supplied us with Oil for many years +2 relations" Also you need to make AI trade when annoyed (but stop trading when Furious) otherwise some countries won't have any oil. You need to get a fair amount of gold per turn for it as well.

Ideally I would quite like the resources to become quantative like what GO is working at now, so you get a supply of oil from each well to power cities and units, and thus as the world gets more dependant on oil you get less oil in surplus and thus the price goes up, but how you would program it i don't know!
(can i write here?) anyway i thought of like communications with something like Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia or something like that. Maybe makes money in large cities with power.
I don't think it's out of the question to have more corporations, possibly lowering their bonuses and their impact on inflation.

We could start off with 7 founded Corporations and add a few unfounded ones with some near future technologies.
what about competition? there is always competing corporations although i can't figure any way of making several corporations on the same line.

EDIT: just thought of minor corporations, it's not always the bigger ones that make influence.
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