I'm not sure if I have time to finish this one, but I am giving it a go without time for note taking.
I settled in place, researched The Wheel, hoping to trade / pop Alpha. The first GH gave a conscript warrior, who set of to explore with the starting scout. I didn't build another scout. I met the Portugese, and traded for Alpha, so after the completion of the Wheel I researched Writing, CoL, Philo and got the Republic slingshot. All other 1st tier techs, and the 2nd tier HBR, Mysticsm, IW I got from popping huts. After the Portugese I made contact with China and then India.
I switched to Republic with maybe 5 or 6 towns, and Portugal tried a sneak attack with just two warriors. I had already hooked up horses, had barracks completed and had a couple of vet horses to dispatch the warriors. After building up a force of vet 6 horses I quickly finished off Portugal.
I then turned my attention to China, who similarly put up little resistance.
On the tech front, I traded for Maths, and researched Poly and Construction. All other techs except Monarchy were obtained from popping huts.
I entered the MA around 850 / 825 BC, I have just started a war against India, but I have kept my forces down to about 12 horses. As I haven't found the other continent yet, there is little point in pumping out horses. So I will probably research directly towards Navigation to try and find the other Continent, but pump out workers and settlers and head for a domination victory. There is still a lot of unsettled territory on my continent.