

Sep 6, 2008
Would it be possible to make the courthouses show, on a mouseover, the exact amount of gold they would reduce maintenance with?

And for a little attempt at realism.... perhaps they could be prereqs. for dungeons for the good/neutral civs?
If you want realism shouldn't adding such a feature cost gold? Red Tape and Budgeting offices are not cheap.
A "total realism" modmod would be fun!! And yes courts ought to have an event that coursed a round of disorder due to lack of colored tape.
Would it be possible to make the courthouses show, on a mouseover, the exact amount of gold they would reduce maintenance with?

You mean like this? Done. :)



  • maintenance.jpg
    24.4 KB · Views: 759
Precisely!! :) And if the original maintenance would remain in "( )" Next to the reduced maintenance that would be real sweet.
A list just for maintenace and beakers, or for erverything else that has buildings that give percentage boosts too?
That means production, culture, commerce, gold, GP birthrate, maintenance and research.
Also you could probably put trade route yield in that, too.
I looked it over and thats a lot of buildings.
good luck on your test :)

back on topic, off the top of my mind a display like this would come handy for all percentages and for buildings that decrease maintenance in nearby cities ( palace, winter palace etc. ) . another useful thing would be using it with settlers to show how much settling a city on his current tile would cost.
So i collected all buildings that give percentage to something.
Trade Route Yields and Military Production are not in it. Route Yields because i don't think it's necessary and Military Production.... because I forgot.
Its sorted alphabetically and seperated in Buildings, Wonders and Buildings&Wondes you can build through spells or events.
Have fun changing that all.
Oh and good look on your test, too :)

BR = Great People Birthrate
Com = Commerce
Cul = Culture
G = Gold
P = Production (Hammer)
M = Maintenance
R = Research (Beaker)

Spoiler :
Abbey + Cul
Adventurers Guild + BR
Alchemy Lab + R
Archives + R
Artisans Enclave + P
Artisans Workshop + P
Asylum + R
Atelier + Cul + P
Barterhouse + G
Basilica - M
Carnival + Cul
Cathedral of Rebirth + Cul - M
Courthouse - M
Desert Shrine + Cul
Dwarven Smithy + P
Forge + P
Gambling House + M
Governors Manor - M
Grogoris Tavern + M
Imperial Cenotaph - M
Jeweler + Com
Kylorin Cult + Cul
Library + R
Machinst Shop + P
Monastery + Cul + BR
Money Changer + G
Museum + R + Cul
Necropolis - BR
Pagan Temple + Cul
Pantheon + Cul
Patrian Bazaar + G
Repository + R
Sacellum of Kalshekk + Cul
Sacellum of Omorr + R + Cul
Sea Haven - M
Tailor + Com
Tavern + M
Tax Office + G
Temple of Kilmorph + Cul
Temple of Leaves + Cul
Temple of the Empyrean + R + Cul
Temple of the Gift + Cul - M
Temple of the Hand + Cul
Temple of the Order + Cul
Temple of the Overlords + Cul
Temple of the Veil + Cul
Tinkerers Workshop + P
Tribal Shrine + Cul

Spoiler :
Bazaar of Mammon + G
Crown of Akharien + R
Deruptus BRewing House + Com
Grand Menagerie + Cul
Masters Hall + P
Minster + Cul - M (palace style)
Monument to Avarice + G
National Epic + BR
Silver Circle + G + R
Spirit Mill + Com
Sylivens Perfect Lyre + Cul
Tower of Complacency - M

Wintepalace - M (place style)
Summer Palace - M (palace style)

All Civ Palaces

Buildings that can be build by spells/events
Spoiler :
Academy + R
Archons Rule + Cul
Corrupt Guild + M
Dwarven Vault + P + BR
Enchanters Enclave + Com
Farmers Market + Com
Master Fletcher + P
Master Outfitter + P
Master Smith + P
Melantes Residence + P + G + Cul - M
Rousing Oration + P
Scion Sympathisers + M
Smugglers Port + G

Wonders that can be build by spells/events
Spoiler :
Dark Council + G - M

Crown of Akharien & Sylivens Perfect Lyre could be in here too, because you can move them via item.
Thanks for the work, but I am not sure that will be needed. I think the question was more along the lines of "Are there other buildings you would care to see this data for?" rather than "Which specific buildings can be upgraded like this?"

The way that the extra information is applied it will automatically place the information on any building which offers such a bonus. So knowing which buildings have bonuses isn't needed, just knowing which bonuses people want more information from is.
So knowing which buildings have bonuses isn't needed, just knowing which bonuses people want more information from is.

As far as I'm concerned, all of them. :)
Actually... it might be a bit more work to calculate the extra savings from the alternate palaces, but those really are the ones I'm interested in.
Percentages from courthouses etc I can mentally calculate, but the best position to place the Summer/Winter palaces are at best geographical estimates by me looking at the world map. :lol:
Wow, thanks for your work shoggi! Xienwolf is right, I won't need to modify each builing individually, but your list will be put to good use when I need some buildings of each category for testing, to see, if everything works as intended. Furthermore it makes sure, that I don't forget a category. Thanks again. :)

Palaces will probably be a tough nut to crack, but you are right heisenberg, it would be the most interesting new information. However, the other infos will be nice to have too, because you won't have to go into the city screen anymore to decide, if a building makes sense for particual city or not.
Speaking of extra work........... If all that wonderful data found its way into the game, wouldn't a new "F1" or a button in the "F1" be desirable?

Jean Elcard.
"Erm, what you see on the screenshot is not the theoretical new Maintenance after you build the building, it is the amount of gold you would save by finsihing the building. Maybe I should add a -/+ sign in front of the number to make it more clear."

I know, its the potential gain, but still.... having the unmodified maintenance in "( )" would make it easier to learn why courthouses worth the effort and such.
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