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[GS] Crash on Assigning Trade Route


Dec 31, 2009
Canberra, Australia

For the last week or so, since I got the latest frontier pack, I have been getting a crash when assigning a trade route to a city. This occurs a fair way in circa turn 470. It's pretty consistent now.
Civ VI Crash on Trade Route.jpg

From here on I can restart an autosave or a previous save and avoid assigning that trade route. Sometimes I can assign it elsewehere but more often than not if I do so it still crashes. Moreover, the probability of it crashing when I assign some other trade route seems to increase over time. Either way this is getting unplayable.

Mods in play are:
- Better Reporet Screen
- More Starting Units
- Player Start Gold Boost
- Radial Measuring Tool Unleashed
- Sukritacts's Simple UI Adjustments
- Warfare Expanded:Reloaded
- Yet (not) Another Maps Pack
- Zee's Decommission Power Plant
- Zee's Distance Is a Good Thing (5)
- Zee's Fewer Trade Offers
- Zee's Normalised Climate Change
- Zee's Properly Timed Eras
- Zee's Strategic Resource Overhaul

I have been getting these same crashes around sending trade routes. Sometimes when I reload it lets me send the route but then will crash later on during the next trade route. I have some of the same mods installed as your list. Today I tried a few things: I verified the game integrity on Steam (no problems detected). I then downloaded the latest January Nvidia drivers. Thirdly, I started the game in Direct X11 instead of Direct X12. I reloaded my saved game right before the trader crash. I have been able to play on without a crash now for about 40 turns. We will see if one of those steps resolved my ongoing issue.
Thanks for that info. I just had another crash with this. I am using the latest NVIDIA drivers. I'll check the integrity and try DX11.
I have had more crashes as well, even in DX11. My crashes seem to happen when I want to send a unit many movement spaces. I click on the unit and then click somewhere on the map far away and all the movement numbers and path appear, then it freezes and crashes. Usually long distance movement commands are given to traders or scouts.
OK, I changed to DX11 and hey presto it works. So I reckon Civ VI current version has an issue with DX12 in relation to either specifically setting a trade route or maybe a more general issue with any complicated long route. As an AI programmer myself I am surprised they have not opted to use decent route finding algorithms. We use a modified A* algorithm with our won heuristics. A proper avoidance algorithm would be welcome along with one that kept a unit on water rather than insisting it go over the isthmus to get to the water on the other side.
Glad I found this thread. My current Civ 6 game crashing whenever there was lengthy pathfinding to be done was driving me nuts.

I'm honestly kind of shocked that "make sure pathfinding works" wasn't on their checklist.
We are playing a Play by Cloud game, and we run into this issue as well. Switching between DX11 and 12 doesnt work. For about 20 turns we all skipped making trade routes, but now we hit a permanent roadblock: the first AI player wants to make a trade route after the last human player hits the Next Turn button and the AI players are acting. This is when the game of the last human player is crashing and the game will not advance.
There are almost no hints in the Logs when his crash happens.
The only hint is in UnitOperations.log of the last human player:
Game Turn, Mode, Player, Unit, Operation
Unit operation handler a92585ad, is disabled
Unit operation handler 6e290af6, is disabled
Unit operation handler 8c676517, is disabled
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_WARRIOR (458752), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_WARRIOR (458752), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_WARRIOR (327682), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_SCOUT (655366), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_ARCHER (1245185), UNITOPERATION_RANGE_ATTACK (26)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_BUILDER (1310725), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_WARRIOR (786439), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)
051, Adding, 5, UNIT_SLINGER (524292), UNITOPERATION_MOVE_TO (19)

Our game has 5 human players, and #6 is the AI player.
Strangely enough we do not observe this behavior in our other 3 Play By Cloud games. This buggy one is a Island Plates map type, with Gathering Storm. No other mods. Our other PBC games that do not have this issue are Fractal or Pangaea, vanilla game or gathering storm.

Do you have any other suggestions @Vermicious Knid @Arjuna_Dave @GloriousCause ?



For the last week or so, since I got the latest frontier pack, I have been getting a crash when assigning a trade route to a city. This occurs a fair way in circa turn 470. It's pretty consistent now.View attachment 584943

From here on I can restart an autosave or a previous save and avoid assigning that trade route. Sometimes I can assign it elsewehere but more often than not if I do so it still crashes. Moreover, the probability of it crashing when I assign some other trade route seems to increase over time. Either way this is getting unplayable.

Mods in play are:
- Better Reporet Screen
- More Starting Units
- Player Start Gold Boost
- Radial Measuring Tool Unleashed
- Sukritacts's Simple UI Adjustments
- Warfare Expanded:Reloaded
- Yet (not) Another Maps Pack
- Zee's Decommission Power Plant
- Zee's Distance Is a Good Thing (5)
- Zee's Fewer Trade Offers
- Zee's Normalised Climate Change
- Zee's Properly Timed Eras
- Zee's Strategic Resource Overhaul

I know this thread is somewhat old, but I have recently been getting the same crashes. Whenever I would input a really long movement command it would crash. I started using right click instead of left clicking the little movement arrow and that helped somewhat, but now I am getting them more often.

I use 4 of the same mods as you:
More starting units (builder and scout)
Better Report Screen
Sukritracts UI adjustment
Warfare reloaded.

I never had any crashes before using mods, so I will most likely get rid of the shared mods, and try it again. Hope this can help others because this feels like the only thread on the internet talking about this specific crash reason.
Found my way to this thread having the same issue... and I use TWO of the above mods:

Better Report Screen
Sukritract's Simple UI adjustments.

Trying out disabling one or the other, to see if that helps. We may have a solution here.
Ha, this is fun, trying to troubleshoot the pathfinding crash some more, discover this thread, and realize it was me more than a year ago.

Any developments on this issue anyone knows about?
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