I just had a thought that literally kept me up for hours in bed last night. I think this would be earth shatteringly cool feature as a surprise at launch or idea for an expansion.
At the end of the exploration age, Distant lands break off from some empires to form either a new civilization or city states. To not have a dozen civs that the game can't support now, there would be a few criteria to how this happens
Both: A civ with 3/4(map size/ game speed dependent) Distant Land Settlements
& Top 2 or 3 in legacy points for the age.
For all players that meet that criteria you will be given a choice:
"Your people in the new world long for independence and have a prosperous future ahead of them"
"Will you lead them to their glorious destiny, leaving the old world to their own devices ? Or will stay to guide your homeland through this Modern Age, and let them reap their just rewards:
You will choose to either lead your new colony , moving your capital to one of your distant land cities/towns. OR stay and lead all your homeland settlements.
You will choose your next modern age civ, whichever territory you don't pick, chooses the alternate civ choice, spawns a new leader (Most appropriate remaining matching leader to new civ) this civ becomes a new AI controlled player. This will only happen for 2-3 civs If there were 5 players in Ancient, we are looking at 7 at Exploration left plus 3 bringing in all 10 modern age civs, unless some players don't survive the age.
This would really cut into snowballing and provide a new challenge. Both new civs, your own and the spun off, have the same legacy upgrade choices, the same traditional civic options, all appropriate buildings in place.
As for units, your commanders and anyone attached to them stay loyal to you, the leader, and teleport to your new capital at the transition. Any unattached units migrate to the closest territory, If they are in the distant lands, they stay there , units in the homeland stay there.
All civs that don't meet the criteria, their distant land settlements become city states. The idea being, any civ that wasn't playing the distant land game and was middle of the pack or worse, might only have a few settlements, and likely focused on their home territory anyway.
The modern age challenges would be as a colony, can you unify the settlements around you through force or diplomacy/culture to form a new strong nation. As a homeland civ, can you survive and thrive in world with more nations, will you bring your former colonies back under foot (Expansionist goal) or collaborate with them to prosper (economic)
To tack on, for modern age legacy points: there should be 5 or 6 stages instead of 4, allowing you to catch up if you are behind on legacy points for victory.
Goals should be,
For culture, great works collection. Build upon wonders built previously, plus new buildings and wonders which provide "inspiration" that allow you to generate, or trade for great works.
For economics modify the corporations expansion mod from VI and earn points for manufacturing and selling your goods around the world;
Expansionist score points toward each threshold : 1x conquer a town, 2x conquer or liberate a foreign city, 2x re-conquer a former colony settlement , 3x Conquer or liberate a foreign capital.
Science: build upon previous goal of producing high yield tiles, use high science yields to unlock various projects along the tech tree, use your high production to finish them first, Manhattan project, First Satelite, first person in orbit, moon landing, mars landing. (make up your own)
Game no longer ends as "First to blah", the age ends as the age progression builds among all civs once the age threshold. The leader/empire with the most legacy points wins and is remembered as the great people across history. The Distant land spun off civs start with the same number of legacy points at the end of exploration.
I'm sure there are dozens of other things to think out, but I think this would be just wonderful and a huge surprise way of further expanding in the final age.
At the end of the exploration age, Distant lands break off from some empires to form either a new civilization or city states. To not have a dozen civs that the game can't support now, there would be a few criteria to how this happens
Both: A civ with 3/4(map size/ game speed dependent) Distant Land Settlements
& Top 2 or 3 in legacy points for the age.
For all players that meet that criteria you will be given a choice:
"Your people in the new world long for independence and have a prosperous future ahead of them"
"Will you lead them to their glorious destiny, leaving the old world to their own devices ? Or will stay to guide your homeland through this Modern Age, and let them reap their just rewards:
You will choose to either lead your new colony , moving your capital to one of your distant land cities/towns. OR stay and lead all your homeland settlements.
You will choose your next modern age civ, whichever territory you don't pick, chooses the alternate civ choice, spawns a new leader (Most appropriate remaining matching leader to new civ) this civ becomes a new AI controlled player. This will only happen for 2-3 civs If there were 5 players in Ancient, we are looking at 7 at Exploration left plus 3 bringing in all 10 modern age civs, unless some players don't survive the age.
This would really cut into snowballing and provide a new challenge. Both new civs, your own and the spun off, have the same legacy upgrade choices, the same traditional civic options, all appropriate buildings in place.
As for units, your commanders and anyone attached to them stay loyal to you, the leader, and teleport to your new capital at the transition. Any unattached units migrate to the closest territory, If they are in the distant lands, they stay there , units in the homeland stay there.
All civs that don't meet the criteria, their distant land settlements become city states. The idea being, any civ that wasn't playing the distant land game and was middle of the pack or worse, might only have a few settlements, and likely focused on their home territory anyway.
The modern age challenges would be as a colony, can you unify the settlements around you through force or diplomacy/culture to form a new strong nation. As a homeland civ, can you survive and thrive in world with more nations, will you bring your former colonies back under foot (Expansionist goal) or collaborate with them to prosper (economic)
To tack on, for modern age legacy points: there should be 5 or 6 stages instead of 4, allowing you to catch up if you are behind on legacy points for victory.
Goals should be,
For culture, great works collection. Build upon wonders built previously, plus new buildings and wonders which provide "inspiration" that allow you to generate, or trade for great works.
For economics modify the corporations expansion mod from VI and earn points for manufacturing and selling your goods around the world;
Expansionist score points toward each threshold : 1x conquer a town, 2x conquer or liberate a foreign city, 2x re-conquer a former colony settlement , 3x Conquer or liberate a foreign capital.
Science: build upon previous goal of producing high yield tiles, use high science yields to unlock various projects along the tech tree, use your high production to finish them first, Manhattan project, First Satelite, first person in orbit, moon landing, mars landing. (make up your own)
Game no longer ends as "First to blah", the age ends as the age progression builds among all civs once the age threshold. The leader/empire with the most legacy points wins and is remembered as the great people across history. The Distant land spun off civs start with the same number of legacy points at the end of exploration.
I'm sure there are dozens of other things to think out, but I think this would be just wonderful and a huge surprise way of further expanding in the final age.
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