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Create a World


May 7, 2014
Hello. I have transplanted this game from Bay12 to here. HERE ARE THE RULES:

This game is simple. The game starts out in the year 1. You then write about something that happened that year such as a god being born or a village being built.


Person one.
Year 1: The god Itzcul is born in the void.

Person two.
Year 2: The god Yagi is born from the void.

Person one.
Year 3: Itzcul creates the world!

In the last thread we mostly interacted with the world by RPing as gods but you don't have to. I do find it to be the most fun way to play though.

1: There shall be no retconning. What happens happens no changing it.

2: While you can effect and interact with stuff other players create they get main ownership and are the only ones who can command/control them unless they give you permission.

3: All conflicts between player characters shall be judged by another player besides those fighting with things such as coin flips, dice, or random stuff like that.

4: All divine beings are equal in power so it doesn't matter if your a god, titan, or void entity they all have the same amount of power. The difference is for those who like to name their player character something besides a god.

5: There may only be one world at a time.

6: Worldwipes are possible but you must start a vote for it and the worldwipe may only happen after the worldwipe achieves a majority vote of yes.

7: Don't take actions to seriously this is a game and we are all here to have a good time so no angry real fighting! Argue yes but no angry shout matches or serious fights.

8: Nothing is permanent or unbreakable anything players create can and will most likely get destroyed later on.

9: Leave the player characters of inactive players and their creations alone.

10. If the actions of 2 players contradict eachother, the GM may rule on what happens.

11: The rules may be changed through out the course of the game if problems arise that they can't/don't stop.
And as such, I shalt start by creating the world.

Year 1: The world is made. Magic is strong in this one, and can do many great things, maybe even turn mortals into Gods!

Reminder: You do not require any prompt from me to do things. Just make some gods and start working!
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Since none have posted, I shall assume it is with lack of detail and guideline. I shall rectify this
Year 2: The Primordial are born, they are great clumps of magic given sapience and form. What shall they do upon this barren world filled with magic?

note:These "gods" are free to be claimed & developed by the rest of you lot. I do not have any plans for them. Go nuts!
Can any viewers explain why they aren't posting? I wish to have the knowlage, in order to be able to adress concerns.
Before the beginning the nothingness came whole and thus from this void came the thought that it was nothing, thus the conception of existence came to being.
Since none except Ailedhoo have decided to post, I assume the lack of posting is because of a confusion of what to do. I shall attempt to alleviate this issue by posting this thread here . You do not need to read beyond the first page of this example to get the basics of things. I shall also unspoiler the rules in case that's also a problem.
Year 2.1: A primordial called Xar condenses and forms an immense realm of a black liquid known as nox. The nox writhes and begins to consume the energies of lesser primordials.
(feel free to do whatever you want to with Xar)
3: The primordial N'arlc-Ah notices this, and in response, creates beings of light magic to go and reclaim the lost energy and destroy the black liquid in a crusade against nox. They are, of course, immune to the nox's energy-consuming means. They are called the Agnlar.
IV: On this world, of chaos and destruction, a divine emerges. It cares not about the world above and the squabbles of the two gods, but the world below. From its birthplace appears a great lake which would be the birthplace of all life.
Klizikos was born.
V: Gar-scarmar, a particularly nasty primordial, is watching the battle between realms. It is starting to think to intervene in it to make it more interesting, until it notices something bellow it. It is a flash of light, not something to expect. But, this makes the primordial look at something else. The barren world, which had been ignored in the face of the realm-war. It thinks, and comes up with something. It goes down to the world, and waits.
VI: Kilizikos had spent the last two years creating something. This thing would shape the world, the elements, and perhaps even the Gods themselves. This thing would change this planet forever.

It had been busy amending the Galactic Laws to create this new thing while the other Dieties vied for control of the heavens. Being unable to turn upon this new being, they did nothing to stop it.

Inside the Great Lake, Kilizikos admired her first creation. It was very small, and very weak as of yet. But it was alive.
Inside the Great Lake, Kilizikos created life.
VII: Gar-scarmar observes the birth of life at a great distance, and it is not impressed. What a weak servant to do its bidding, for which Priomordial that did so. Even lesser Primordials like itself could do much better. But still, curiosity held it. And so, it continued to watch.
VIII: Kilizikos knew that this new life had little time to evolve and grow on its own, with the jealousy of the other Priomordials looking onto what they saw as potential servants. She worked hard on her creation, slowly but surely building a habitable ecosystem for larger life. Eventually, she had established creatures the size of small trout; Indeed, they were small fish. She knew she had to make haste to protect her creation, and so continued to work, oblivious to everything except her creations.

The War in the Heavens raged on, draining both sides' powers significantly. However, the war showed no signs of ending anytime soon.
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