Creating an American Revolutionary War Scenario


Jan 2, 2022

I'm currently in the process of creating an American Revolutionary War scenario. I have the British, American, French, Spanish, Dutch and various Native American tribes planned for this Scenario. I cannot decide, should the forts be actual forts or should they be cities? I don't like the idea of cities as you can produce units in them and the whole idea of the forts in this period was to hold tactical locations. Looking at the photo what are people's thoughts?

For the screenshot this is very early on. I do intend on changing the Civs colours, so British dark red and Americans dark blue.



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You should probably go for a mix of both. If a fort was just an outpost than it's a fortress. But if it was like a major military base from which expeditions were staged and where armies were mustered and stuff than it should be a city as producing units simulates that. I don't know enough about the american rebellion to give you any examples though.
You should probably go for a mix of both. If a fort was just an outpost than it's a fortress. But if it was like a major military base from which expeditions were staged and where armies were mustered and stuff than it should be a city as producing units simulates that. I don't know enough about the american rebellion to give you any examples though.

Thank you for your input, that has given me a better idea and this makes sense. I know a lot about the ARW but for game purposes I had them all as cities and now all as forts.

you can use my mod, empire of liberty as a source for units, map, ideas, techs and more.
i worked on it but never got it to a final version . had some unpublished work as well.

I've never heard of it and where would I find it? I'm not the hest when it comes to modding but Civ 4 I think is easy to mod as it's all many notepad based.

Where would I find this? Having American Continentals and actual Militia would be a lot better.

in my signature:

i suggest you use better tools than notepad.
you can work with notepad++, sublime ir my favorite, win merge
in my signature:

i suggest you use better tools than notepad.
you can work with notepad++, sublime ir my favorite, win merge
Ah I see, says the link download has an error so can't download it anymore.

Thanks for the offer though.
in my signature:

i suggest you use better tools than notepad.
you can work with notepad++, sublime ir my favorite, win merge
I like Foxe for XML editing:

That's a great find. I've been looking for something like this for a while.
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