Creating new civilizations/leaderpictures/unique units


Sep 6, 2001
United States
First has anyone ever created the Teutonic Knight in Civ 3 that looks like the Age of Empires 2 one, or a combat helicopter? If not does anyone know how to create unit pictures easily? Also how do you change the leader pictures? (to add Charlemagne, Napoleon, another leader) The program it opens after double clicking doesn't seem to be able to do it.

I already know how to the rest of adding civilizitions. I have added Turkey, Italy, Spain and Austria, some of the stuff needed to use them isn't there yet though.
For leader heads, look for someone called ccm01 (I don't know if they take requests)

For units, look for Dark Sheer, Pesocolo or Plasticbag. There's a Star-Wars mod in the making so all of them are pretty busy. Dark Sheer created a tutorial for doing it and posrted it somewhere on the forums if you want to make units yourself.

To make units or leaderheads, get Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop (or something else if you want) Units would need Moenir's CivFlic to make them work.
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