Creative History Department

This post will have the Waiting List for people that wish to create the short-lived culture of a Goodie Hut (GH) or Barbarian Camp (BC) that may appear on the map at any time during the game. Please post your interest in writing for a GH or BC below. Also state which one of the two you'd prefer (you'll be held to it), or if it doesn't matter to you. This way if a GH and a BC show up at the same time, it will be easier to assign them.


1. TerminalMan 90
2. Stuck_As_a_Mac
3. Donovan Zoi
4. Padma


1. Grandmaster
2. Octavian X
Excellent idea about recording the names of the villagers, Stuck. I'll try to make sure I post a note in each President's thread reminding them of this.

I would like to say that you'll each both get a chance to accept a BC if one should pop up before a GH. That is unless someone else signs up for this List that prefers a BC. Then, I'm thinking the BC would go straight to them.

This is all new, so all the rough edges need to be worked out. All in due time, I'm sure. Thanks for the participation, guys.
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to donate graphics that people have created themselves?
Originally posted by CivGeneral
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to donate graphics that people have created themselves?

Well. yes it is, CG. That is if the graphic is directly related to your storyline. If said storyline was based on ocean fishing, then a graphic of men fishing with nets might be appropriate and so forth. A graphic such as this would be posted in your "officially approved" entry in the CHD Storyline thread. Of course if you were Mayor of a town and started your own storyline about that place, you could do anything you wanted.

This thread here is mainly for rules, incidentals, questions and answers, and updates.
I'd like to sign up for writing a short culture story for a Barb Camp. Vicious, pillaging barbarians are definitely more fun to write about then nice little villagers who give us techs and maps. ;)
Hive Chairman Octavian:

The Creative History Department will serve two primary functions for DGIV:
  1. It will document the history of our nation from the initial settlement to the inevitable victory over our rivals.
  2. It will provide our citizens with a venue for creative writing and contributing to the demogame experience like never before.
To accomplish this, the CHD will open an official storyline thread that will contain posts from any and all citizens. Story submissions must be made in accordance with the rules of the department (posted at the beginning of this thread).

While the CHD thread shall be the primary location for national history, we do hope that other creative histories emerge from certain threads (city threads, citizen groups, etc.). Those ancillary threads that adhere to the rule of the CHD, will be afforded links from within this office so that they too may serve as a living history for our nation.

I hope this clears things up and I look forward to your participation.
No, I am but a mere citizen of the Hive. I wouldn't dream of usurping the Chairman's power. Yet. :mwaha:

Still, go ahead and sign me up for a barbarian camp. Epic battles are more exciting. :)
As we get closer to the opening of DG4, planning becomes more detailed, ideas start to gel as well as spawn new ideas, and guidelines and schedules start to become real things. We are about to launch the maiden voyage of a new twist on an old concept, that of role-playing and storytelling in the forthcoming Demogame. It occurred to me after reading Octavian X’s post (Octavian’s been around a while and has witnessed two RGP launches), that some of you may not quite understand what we’re attempting to do here. So I’ve decided to recap the Creative History Department’s (CHD) concept with a bit more detail to try and bring everyone onto the same page.

One thing that has been lacking in recent Demogames is an historical timeline that tracks the nation’s origin and path through time. A couple of attempts have been made at opening and running a History Dept., but they usually fold after a couple of weeks from inactivity. Another problem that surfaced in the last Demogame was our inability to duplicate the success of our first RPG in Demogame 2. Actually, I’m not sure if that’s possible, as DG2 had a truly great RPG experience. But the RPG attempt in DG3 lacked the support and maintenance that was needed to keep it afloat as well as the original in DG2.

The CHD is an attempt to bring these two needed entities together. The original idea was to run a storyline that reflected the Demogame’s progress through time and allow the DG community to contribute to the storyline with their own characters and subplots. That is still the plan.

The CHD will open a Storyline Thread (ST) a couple of days before Christmas. The ST will remain closed to the public (you) until New Year’s Eve Day. During this week, FortyJ and I will be posting to the ST with a kind of pre-game history that will hopefully set the stage for Creation Day and the beginning of our Civilization. More on New Year’s Eve Day later.

The thread you are in right now is CHD’s Office Thread (OT). This is where you’ll find the rules and guidelines for the Storyline Thread (ST). Other information will also be posted in the OT, to include the waiting list for Map Generated Entities (MGE). By map generated, I mean Goodie Huts (GH) and Barbarian Camps (BC) that pop up in the game and are beyond our control. These MGE’s will be seen by the CHD as an opportunity to introduce new Culture and pre-histories into the Storyline. Any DG citizen may sign up for the MGE waiting list and receive authorization to begin their brief subplot within the ST. Their subplot should include the origin of the people there (their pre-history) and their current story up until their GH is popped by one of our units, or the BC is dispersed by our troops. Once either of these things happens, the independent nature of their storyline will cease, as they meld into our Culture. As a side note here, I would like to see the origins of these GH’s and BC’s extended out to any towns that spring up in that area, but this is just a wish. Once the entity melds into our Culture, the characters in the MGE subplots may continue their story as new citizens of our nation. Of course, if they are Barbarians they may have died in the attack, but who knows. Any extension from the outside world into the main ST is welcome. When your name tops the MGE waiting list and the entity you have requested shows on the map, you are entitled to begin your subplot in the ST. You will be assigned an icon to post at the top of your post to identify it for what it is. We are currently working on these icons now, but one might say GH1 or BC3. This is just to help the rest of us recognize this as your brief storyline for the entity, as you may already have a character in the main ST. So the icons are basically there to reduce confusion. PLEASE post you icon atop each addition to your subplot.
OK, that basically wraps up current info on MGE’s, let’s talk about new cities and towns that we create with Settlers or capture from the enemy (or flip to us). These will be different from the MGE’s in that they will be long term in nature. A Mayor or Township of one of these new cities can start their own independent Storyline and pre-history in its own City thread. If someone other than the Mayor wants to start a storyline in a City thread, I suggest you get the Mayor’s blessing first. On the other hand, if you have been involved in the Mayor of that city’s storyline and are not happy with the way it is going, you can by all means, move to a new city and start your own storyline. Here’s where it gets interesting. As the creator or participant of an independent city’s storyline, you can keep that storyline free and clear of any other storyline in DG4. You can also venture out and try to become entwined in other storylines, such as the main ST storyline or that of a neighboring city. Because City thread storylines can become entwined with others, a way of identifying each city's storyline is required. This is why I believe each city should develop a Coat of Arms icon (similar to the MGE icons) to post at the top of any entry they make in any thread outside their City thread. This will immediately let others recognize your post for what it is, an RPG entry. These City threads can be as wildly entertaining as you’d like to make them. They can be Hell-bent or culturally endowed. Passively accepting others and their trade or being rigid isolationist. It’s up to you, as long as you follow the basic rules listed in the second post of this thread.

The third post of this thread will list as many of the important details and incidentals of the game as possible, to include all active Non Player Characters (NPC’s), important events such as a new City Storyline coming alive, and maybe (if this things gets going big) a calendar of events (perhaps a tournament or an opening of a Wonder). The possibilities may be endless, and if we all stick to the guidelines, those very guidelines may become transparent and allow the possibilities to flourish.
OK, now you're probably asking about the opening of the ST on New Year's Eve Day. As of this time, noon on the East Coast of the USA (1200 EST or 1700GMT) will be the opening time. Once this time passes, any citizen can then post a brief storyline detailing their character and their Journey thus far in our pre-history. By then the basic concept of the pre-history will be laid out and we request that you do not stray tooo far from the prescribed storyline until Creation Day. Remember there will be no map, so the terrain will not be a big issue (you'll see then what I mean). As you will see, these will be difficult times for all, so we ask that everyone remain cool-headed. Please no violence. If anyone has a question or statement to make about their involvement (or someone else's), please post in the OT. Only storylines go in the ST.

To ensure the integrity of the ST until New Year's Eve Day, Moderator Donovan Zoi has authorized me to post the following statement in the initial ST thread ~

Per DZ- Until December 31st, no one is to post in this thread besides Cyc and Forty J. Any post in violation will be deleted.

Trust me. Deletion of one's post is not a good thing. We would not like to see anyone's work get lost, so please wait until the 31st.

OK, that about wraps it up for me. Hopefully we can answer more questions and post more updates between now and the 31st.
Let me confirm Cyc's statement. However, for those just skimming through Cyc's posts(which is no-one I hope ;) ),you can still post your concerns in this thread. My above warning will only apply to the new Storyline Thread. And since I hate to delete peoples' work, please take heed of it once that thread opens. Thanks! :)
Nice mustachio, DZ. Thanks for the clarification.
The Creative History Department's Storyline thread has been opened.

Please refrain from posting in the ST until noon EST (GMT-5) on December 31st. If you want to post comments or questions about the ST, post them here in th OT. :) Thanks!
The Twelve Original Tribes

Our nation's first settlement was made up of twelve individual tribes. The approximate populations of each tribe are listed below:

The Larger Tribes

Paree - 1,500 (15%)
Rou - 1,400 (14%)
Orle - 1,200 (12%)
Reim - 1,200 (12%)
Ami - 1,000 (10%)

The Smaller Tribes

Nant - 700 (7%)
Lourd - 600 (6%)
Marse - 600 (6%)
Cala - 500 (5%)
Bourg - 500 (5%)
Troy - 400 (4%)
Touloo - 400 (4%)

The Calendar

The Council of Elders named each of the moons after one of the tribes. The moons that coincide with major festivals were named after the largest of the tribes. Thirty risings of the sun separate each new moon and 12 moons mark the full cycle of the seasons.

Reim (New Year)
Orle (Spring Festival)
Ami (Summer Festival)
Rou (Fall/Harvest Festival)
Paree (Winter Festival)
The day has come at long last. The Creative History Department is opening for business!

On behalf of Cyc, myself and the entire CHD staff, I extend an invitation to all of you to come and join us in celebrating the birth of the newest and most innovative concept ever brought to the demogame stage. All citizens, veteran and rookie alike, are welcome and encouraged to participate.

When: 1700 GMT (1200 Eastern, 0900 Pacific)

Where: Here, in this thread. Or if you have IRC, join us in #demogame_CHD.

So, come by and partake in the celebration. Once the party begins, everyone will be able to submit their stories to the CHD Storyline Thread. However, please review the Department Rules before posting your submissions.

Thank you! I look forward to seeing all of you in the Halls of History!
Just a brief statement about posting in the storyline. FortyJ and Rik Meleet and I are still working on a pre-history storyline. This will involve the elections we've just held, so please don't mention them in your posts.

If you'd like to start your storyline, please do, but for now keep it more towards you own personal character development. Once we found our Capital City, our real Hisory will begin. Then contributions of any sort will be welcome. But please let us get the Government structure up and running first. Thanks,

:) Another announcement.

When anyone posts graphics in th ST or OT, please make sure the demensions of the graphic does not exceed 800w X600H. If necessary, just find a graphics program (I use 20/20 because it's free) to reduce the image size. Anything smaller than 800 X600 is perfectly acceptable also. Thanks!
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