[R&F] Cree First Look

The Cree are led by Poundmaker, whose capital is at Mikisiw-Wacîhk. Glad to see they have a unique city art style.

Leader Ability: Favorable Terms. All Alliance types provide shared Visibility. Trade Routes grant +1 Food in the sending city per Camp or Pasture in the receiving city, and +1 Gold in the receiving city per Camp or Pasture in the sending city.
Civilization Ability: Nîhithaw. +1 Trade Route capacity and a free Trader with the Pottery technology. Unclaimed tiles within 3 tiles of a Cree city center come under Cree control when a Trader first moves through them.
Unique Unit: Okihtcithaw. Replaces the Scout. Has 20 Combat strength, and receives a free promotion.
Unique Improvement: Mekewap. Unlocked at Pottery. Provides Housing, as well as Production. Provides Gold when adjacent to a Luxury resource and Food when adjacent to a Bonus resource.
Hmm, I look forward to the blog post and a more in depth interpretation of the abilities.

Unfortunately, they went with the English name, and dressed him in more European clothing (although, perhaps he always dressed that way). Generally, I would have appreciated a more Mvemba-esque depiction. Still incredibly excited!
Lisbon is still a City State
Those are some pretty great abilities for peaceful expansion. I love it. :goodjob:
Holy cow, the ability that lets traders claim tiles sounds insane. Although one could perhaps claim this civ is a bit too close to Civ5 Shoshone (unique scout, grabs territory).

Also, pink lake natural wonder: https://imgur.com/a/rE48P
I do love the unique scout it gets, at least the unique scout can take more of a beating compared to a scout of another civ so far.
The civ ability's trade route bonus is certainly interesting and outside the box. I'm a bit disappointed by the leader ability's alliance bonus though. I was hoping for something that built more explicitly with the new alliance mechanics, whereas Poundmaker's vision bonus, like Korea's governor bonus, references the new mechanics in only a superficial manner.
This guy has the best haircut in the game so far. Like his suit as well.

Ontopic: loving the scouts. Should be easy to get +1 vision range fast. I liked this mechanic as america in civ 5.
Seems like shared visibility will be limited only to some types of Alliance (I guess only one type).

Really good and interesting Civ with a strong early game, I really like it. The way it gets tile with trade is a really interesting concept, though it's not clear if it can steal tiles or if it only get neutral tiles. It also have nice, readable border colors for a change.

I still waiting for a Civ that make some deep use of the new mechanics though. Only Korea and the Cree so far use the expansion new mechanics, both do it in a quite simple way, nothing really fancy.
I love the art for Indian cities. That is an excellent touch.

There are more pink lakes, but i think it's that one, especially since it's located in Australia and every continent probably has a natural wonder. The only continent that doesn't have a wonder yet is Asia. And we still don't know what the function of the orange forest could be. Antarctica could have a natural wonder as well (Erebus?).

Ow they may have updated the Dead Lake natural wonder since it's a saline lake?
Seems like shared visibility will be limited only to some types of Alliance (I guess only one type).

Really good and interesting Civ with a strong early game, I really like it. The way it gets tile with trade is a really interesting concept, though it's not clear if it can steal tiles or if it only get neutral tiles. It also have nice, readable border colors for a change.

I can't believe it will steal tiles--after all, it would seemingly steal tiles right up to the other civ's city.
They are a LOT like the Shoshone from V. Love the trade route land grab ability. They might be my new favourite civ. Poundmaker is highly deserving.
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