Crimson Skies Scenario

Mr. Cackle

Cacklin' since '95
Sep 29, 2003
New York, New York
I got Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge for Christmas and I think it would make a very interesting scenario. For those of you who haven't played the game, here is the synopsis of the story:

What if the US never got out of the Great Depression? As the nation went into economic turmoil, the country split apart into warring nation-states. The militias made to defend the nation fight against each other. As they isolate themselves from their neighbors by demolishing bridges, the airplane and the zeppelin have replaced the car and train as the only reliable way to move passengers and cargo from one nation to another.

Anyway, the scenario would probably use a map of the US, and would consist of various factions. Here are the ones that I remember:

Arixo -- What once was New Mexico and Arizona is now Arixo, a nation sandwiched between the Republic of Texas and the Nation of Utah. It is run by the Arixo Indians.

Industrial States -- This is basically the area of land around Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, their capital is Chicago.

Republic of Texas -- The first state to secede from the US following the Great Depression.

The rest of the nations I will have to create (as opposed to taking it directly from the game) I was thinking of adding the following:

New England Confederacy (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania)


Any other ideas?


I was thinking of having planes, bombers, and zeppelins not have the normal "operational range" but instead be very fast units that ignore all terrain. I was considering having the Railroad graphic be switched with Roads (to simulate the fact that even the Railroads are slow). Should I make the worker action "build road/railroad" be diabled and also disable pillage, or should I keep both actions.

Anyway, I'll post later with more info, but I am going to need some people to help me with the mod, so if any of you people are up for it just reply here and we can assign duties to various people.
i would make all the planes land units, since if they were all air it would suck
Crimson Skies was originally a wargame, made by the now-defunct FASA, who also made Battletech and Shadowrun. You could find information on the internet about the various splinter states fairly easilly, or find a copy of the original game on E-bay most likely.
I would have a United States remnant. It would consist of Washington DC, and maybe some surrounding states.
Just as a clarification, The US didnt break up because it couldnt get out of the depression. The Depression was just the final nail in the coffin.

As for factions and the like, you can find a wealth of information at
Thanx a ton for the link, D. Shaffer. Ok, from the site here are all the nations:

Appalachian Territory
Atlantic Coalition
Confederation of Dixie
Disputed Western Territories
Empire State
Free Colorado State
French Louisiana
Kingdom of Hawaii
Industrial States of America
Lakota Territory
Maritime Provinces
Nation of Hollywood
Navajo Nation
Protectorate of Ontario
People's Collective
Republic of Texas
Republic de Quebeque

Wow! That's a lot of nations (22). For info on each nation, go to

I can make the map itself, Mr. Dictator is making the units, I will then need someone to help come up with ideas for leaderheads (a lot of the leaderheads from Civ3 can be used in this, however) and I will also need someone to work out technologies. Any takers?
Wonderful idea! :) As long as the scenario won't have couple of million slightly different units I'm interested.

(Perhaps even interested in helping in some way... ;) )
Crimson Skies is now owned by WizKids (as are nearly all old FASA products). WizKids was founded by Jordan Weisman who was one of the founders of FASA. He was also in charge of all entertainment software development for Microsoft (AFAIK, he still is).
No. Crimson skies is owned by Microsoft. Crimson Skies was originally created by Fasa Interactive, which was a seperate company from FASA. FASA just had the licensing rights. Since the creation of the Crimson Skies property, Fasa Interactive has been bought and absorbed by Microsoft. Wizkids is producing a new Crimson Skies mini's game under license from Microsoft.

You also might want to add Mexico, which is a major player in the southern areas, and break up Alaska into the bands which are actually fighting over it. Alaska, in many regards, is more like the disputed territories then a nation in its own right.
You are right. I thought Jordan bought that too when he tried to get his old FASA properties back. (Since he is Microsoft, it's probably a moot point).
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