New with the patch is saving between the Switch and vanilla Civ VI. I would hope this leads to the expansions coming to the Switch. Maybe I will populate Hall of Fame after all for standard rules.
Best news!!!! Never saw this one coming. Going to have to buy a third copy of the game now! (steam, my son's switch copy and now need a switch copy for me too )
While a neat idea in theory, I don't see how this will work. Chances are that Civ owners who have it on both PC and the Switch will have the expansions for the PC. So how will cross-play from two incompatible builds work?
But what civ fan who owns the PC version and Switch version is going to still be playing vanilla? I can't imagine the numbers are very high. This is just a bizarre move.
I do play vanilla on the Switch often and I am hoping the Switch Pro rumors come true as I would like a 2nd setup. Weekends is when I play GS on PC but the Hall of Fame will be fun to update for the standard rules. TBH, I am hoping this also leads to Switch & PC multiplayer. If that happens I will be in heaven. To me, the cross-platform cloud save opens up so much potential beyond the expansions on the Switch.
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